Blogging……has it seen it’s time?

This past weekend up here in Canada has been a long weekend with the Monday as  a holiday. I spent some time just Googling " ham radio blogs" "Amateur radio blogs". I had many hits and  upon visiting the pages that were listed I found most were no longer being updated. I came across blogs were the last post was a few years old. I came across more blogs that have been abandoned than ones that are up to date. I will admit my blog is not updated as often as it should do to the fact there are many things going on and unfortunately the blog sometimes takes second or third seat. With the Google search that I did and the results that came back it begs the question "is blogging becoming something of the past?"  I very much enjoy reading the blogs I have listed on my blog as favourites. I also go to other blogs and check out who they follow and read those as well. I am very much enjoying my blog reading but I was shocked to see how many blogs out there are no longer current. So my question of the day is......"is blogging on it's way out?"
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at

10 Responses to “Blogging……has it seen it’s time?”

  • Jeff - VE7EFF:

    No, I don’t think blogging is on its way out.
    There are just a lot of people who think having a blog in their name is a cool thing to do, but after a short while realize it is a lot of work to keep it up to date and to create useful content – and, they just run out of useful things to say. The sad part is that they aren’t conscientious enough to properly shut down the blog once it is out of date and no longer useful to anyone.

    I had a VoIP blog for a number of years that I put a lot of work into keeping it up to date and relevant. Then, I reached a point where I didn’t have the energy to keep it up. Rather than abandon the site and leave it stagnant and outdated, I within a short period of time closed down the blog and removed all content. Too bad more people can’t do the same…

    So, is blogging on its way out? I expect not – there will always be people who want to share their knowledge and make it public – that’s what blogging is all about…

  • Gareth - M5KVK:

    I also don’t think blogging is dead, Mike.
    I use a combination of Feedly, “Mr Reader” and Pocket to keep up to date with somewhere in the region of 90 radio-related blogs. Those have accumulated over time and often would not show up in a simple google search as they may be ham radio blog posts in an otherwise unrelated blog.
    I use Mr Reader on my iPad once a day (right now) whilst having a cup of tea and there are always 10-20 items in the “Radio” category.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good morning Jeff and thanks for taking the time to comment, that is very true regarding stale blogs when I did my search I came across some that were 5 year with no new posts. I am guilty of having a floating blog. I was building an Elecraft K2 and was blogging about the progress. I had to give up the build and sold the K2 I then was going to shut the blog down but chose not too as I found others were using it as a help resource for their K2 builds. I have thought that this year will be its last year as there are many fresh K2 sites out there.
    Thanks for the comment Jeff and have a good week.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good morning Gareth, funny thing all this time blogging and I have not thought of your approach to seeking out content! I am going to move on your suggestion and with my morning coffee do the same. I just wanted to throw a line into the water regarding blogging as digital things come and go…….it would seem blogging is still here.

  • Michael Parkes AB7RU:

    I have written an amateur radio blog in the past, but it felt rather pointless even after many posts over several years. Not much interaction (none) with the readers of it (not even sure I ever had any), and so I ended up deleting all the content and perhaps will one day start over. I guess I felt like I never had anything to say that hadn’t already been said a thousand times better by other hams, and some of my content was a little fringy (for example, I am interested in telepathic comms, and communication with SK hams using quantum background techniques, etc), and I felt maybe it was best to just avoid blogging entirely. More trouble that it was worth. It is a shame because I love to write, and have blogged on many different blogs over the years. Maybe will try another ham blog one day but for now I am happy to see it gone.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good morning Michael thanks for taking the time to comment, I know of some very well known blogs and are read by many but never see one comment regarding their posts. I guess bloggers can check their sites traffic and get an understanding if they are at least being read.
    Have a good week Michael and nice hearing from you.

  • Steve KB3JC:

    I wonder if some bloggers have switched to YouTube?

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good afternoon Steve, I imagine that is a possibility along with Facebook as well.

  • Paul KE0TFX:

    As a new HAM I visited several HAM blogs. I was very disappointed to find so many out of date. Still being new I learned a lot and got some good insight.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good evening Paul and welcome aboard, as many comments have said that some who start a blog realize in a very short time that it takes time and effort. Mine is not updated as much as I would like but I try my best. Enjoy the hobby and I am sure you will never get board with it.
    Have a great week Paul

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