Blogging With AI (ChatGPT)

Sorry that I have not been posting much on my blog. I have several other projects consuming my time and this blog has been neglected.

Then, it hit me: I should just let ChatGPT, a free artificial intelligence (AI) platform that is getting a lot of attention, write my blog for me. All the Cool Kids are Using It. I just entered “Please write my next blog post about VHF ham radio” and this is what I got back:

VHF Ham Radio: Exploring the World Above 50 MHz

When most people think of ham radio, they usually picture a person sitting in a dark room, talking into a large radio with a huge antenna. However, ham radio can be much more than that, especially when you start exploring the VHF bands.

VHF, or Very High Frequency, refers to the portion of the radio spectrum between 30 and 300 MHz. This includes the 6-meter (50 MHz), 2-meter (144 MHz), and 70-centimeter (440 MHz) bands, which are commonly used by amateur radio operators for local and regional communication.

One of the main advantages of VHF ham radio is that it allows for much greater range than the traditional HF bands (below 30 MHz). This is because VHF signals travel mostly in a straight line, and are less affected by the ionosphere and other atmospheric conditions that can impact HF propagation.

In addition to traditional voice communication, VHF ham radio operators also use a variety of digital modes such as Packet Radio, APRS, and D-STAR, which allow for the exchange of data and information over the airwaves.

Another popular VHF activity is contesting, which involves making as many contacts as possible in a short period of time. Contesting can be a fun and exciting way to improve your operating skills and test your equipment.

VHF ham radio is also a great way to get involved in emergency communication and public service. Many amateur radio clubs and organizations work closely with local authorities to provide communication support during emergencies and events.

If you’re interested in exploring the world of VHF ham radio, there are a few things you’ll need. First, you’ll need a radio that covers the VHF bands. There are many options available, from handheld transceivers to base stations with large antennas.

You’ll also need an antenna that is specifically designed for VHF operation. These antennas are typically shorter and more compact than HF antennas, and are available in a variety of types and configurations.

Finally, you’ll need to obtain a ham radio license from the FCC. The process is relatively straightforward and involves passing a written exam that covers basic radio theory, regulations, and operating procedures.

In conclusion, VHF ham radio offers a world of opportunities for communication, experimentation, and public service. Whether you’re a seasoned operator or a newcomer to the hobby, there’s always something new to discover on the VHF bands.
[ end of ChatGPT article]

How many factual errors did you spot?

73 Bob K0NR

The post Blogging With AI (ChatGPT) appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site.

Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to and writes from Colorado, USA. Contact him at

3 Responses to “Blogging With AI (ChatGPT)”

  • Tom N1YR:

    The glaring error is that ‘intellegence” calculates that VHF travels further than HF.
    The bot also says 440 MHz is VHF, after the previous sentence says VHF ends at 300 MHz.

    But where is 222 MHz? It’s a great band. It’s ignored by hams and most manufacturers, but “intelligence” should have mentioned it. Maybe there are less mentions on the internet to scoop up and digest.

  • Matt KI5PGL:

    This demonstrates what is so dangerous about “AI.” We have a bias to believe things that are written with perfect grammar and diction and stated in an authoritative voice. We’re lulled into complacency by correct but banal information. Then comes an important factual error but by that time we’re not really paying attention. Also, important information is omitted such as how UHF/VHF can be used to work satellites.

  • Hussam AGHA:

    I think AI here was correct however we cant absorb story-telling when it comes to Coms.
    The AI is referring to better coverage in-terms of HF ground wave propagating near base. Hence VHF is better in that aspect indeed.
    Also the AI is referring to 70cm antenna 440mhz max , which is technically usable across VHF frqs.

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