Breaking News…Grinches ALMOST Stole My Favorite SDR Site

BREAKING NEWS!  Mack has rebooted and is back online. It is a huge blessing  and thanks again to Mack and the host of others who serve all of us! YAHOOO>>> Grinches lose! W4AX.COM is online again! Belay my last!

A few years ago, we did not know the term, Software Defined Radio but now it has become one of many new technologies that we hams are learning to adapt to our needs. As an antenna restricted condo dweller, I’ve found it most helpful for being able to listen to the bands at various times through the day. Screenshot during IARU CW contest

Yesterday I learned my favorite site, is shut down due to abuse by non-hams and other constraints. A big thanks to Mack, W4AX and others who are the unsung heros that provide services like these and have allowed access to others over the years. The Reverse Beacon Network is another great service and we often forget the time and expense that our fellow hams have put into keeping them going.  As a blogger with multiple sites, I understand the challenges and resources it takes all too well.

I’ll miss being able to check the bands 24 x 7 on my favorite site, but perhaps it will prompt me and others to set up our own SDR site and share it with others. I salute those who like Mack paved the way for new technology to provide access to so many hams. Sorry that the burden got too heavy to keep it going, but know your work was appreciated by many. I’ll be sure to let others who are working behind the scenes know that they are appreciated too.

Blessings gang of pioneers and Happy Holidays to you all!


Kelly K4UPG

Kelly McClelland, K4UPG, is a regular contributor to and writes from Florida, USA. Contact him at

6 Responses to “Breaking News…Grinches ALMOST Stole My Favorite SDR Site”

  • Harry K7ZOV:

    Just checked the site out. Working great … Now will someone please tell me how to get my Android base phone and tablet to work. I went to to the download page. They scanned my phone (and later my tablet) and informed me neither is supported… Bums me out … So if anyone has a work around please share it with me and all the other Android base users. I read yesterday that 700,000 people a day are becoming Android users… Huge market…very huge

    Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year one and all


    Harry K7ZOV

  • Matt W1MST:

    Hi Harry — what are you trying to do with your phone and tablet? I’m not an Android expert, but I’d be happy to try to help!

  • Harry K7ZOV:

    Short form… Go to which will display the SDR site and be able to see the waterfall running and decode where I put the cursor. I can with a windows base system but none of my Android base operating system. Soooo if you are anyone else has any bright ideas that will work, I would appreciated it greatly…

    (heading for work…will be checking in during the day to see if anyone has a working solution to this problem…thank you again)

  • John Yochom KB3KEM:

    Im SAD. Since my computer is running Windows 98 SE, I cant use the java program to get othe SDR to work. So,Im impressed with WAX4 and his site but I’m locked out No waterfall for me.

  • Matt W1MST:

    I wasn’t aware that Android phones could run Java applets. Maybe I’m wrong?

  • harry k7zic:

    I am afraid you are right. The Android operating system is basically a knock off of Java. But not Java and from the way it looks will never have a java sub-set added without a fight. Soooo no SDR listening on this phone or tablet. Too bad. It could have been fun.

    Harry K7ZOV

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