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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 53

Colorado Governor signs Amateur Radio antenna bill into law
Friday the 13th turned out to be a lucky day for Colorado hams, as Gov John Hickenlooper signed into law an Amateur Radio antenna bill that mirrors the PRB-1 federal pre-emption policy.

The tallest towers in the world
Name the tallest structures in the world. You’re almost certainly not thinking of TV towers. But dozens of nearly anonymous towers around the United States, most in small rural communities, dwarf all but the tallest man-made structures in the world.

Strongest geomagnetic storm of Solar Cycle 24
It didn’t take long for the VHF bands to start filling up with auroral signals as 6m diehards soon discovered that something was amiss.

Ubuntu Hams
The Ubuntu Hams Team exists to bring together Amateur Radio Operators and developers of Amateur Radio packages who use Ubuntu.

Why you should learn to love Ham Radio
When I joined as a squeaky-voiced 12-year-old in the 1990s, it was like discovering the Internet before the Internet.

TNC-Pi: TNC-X for Raspberry Pi
TNC-Pi is a special version of TNC-X designed to interface directly with the Raspberry Pi computer. It can connect to the Pi either via the Pi’s serial port, or via the I2C protocol.

FUNcube team has received two million packets of telemetry data
FUNcube-1 (AO-73) was launched on November 21, 2013 and since then radio amateurs and schools have been receiving the telemetry packets and passing them to AMSAT UK.

Minimalist VHF Software Defined Radio
Our next step will be to mix this signal to VHF and add a PA to produce 1 Watt of signal on 2M, to support our VHF FreeDV work. Please contact us if you can help us with a VHF PA design!


1st contact as a licensed Ham made via satellite
There probably are not any other 8 year olds who can claim that!

Tower demolition
This video features the demolition of a 300′ cable head end tower in Jackson, MN. Built in 1953, it did not want to fall over.

New products

RUMlogNG now available
RUMlogNG is the next-generation of Thomas’ (DL2RUM) excellent RUMlog logging software and incorporates logging, rig control, Winkey support, DX Cluster, LoTW/eQSL/Clublog, support for HamQTH or XML lookups, award tracking, QSL printing, integration with Fldigi for digital modes, and much more.
Mac Ham Radio

CQmaps: Professional maps for Amateur Radio
At CQmaps, you will find that all the maps offered have been drafted with the utmost care and precision gained from 10 years of experience as a Geographic Information System (GIS) Analyst and cartographer.


Baofeng FF-12P (UV-5X)
A clip on YouTube suggested that the UV-5X / FF12P scans faster. This proves to be true: the FF-12P outperforms all other Baofeng radios I own, including the GT-3 Mark II. Scan speed is about 5-6 channels/sec.

SSTRAN AMT3000 AM transmitter kit
The AMT3000 can be configured to work with the supplied simple wire antenna, which will essentially broadcast AM to radios throughout your home, or it can be configured for a Part 15 compliant outdoor base-loaded vertical antenna which will extend your range up to 3/4 of a mile, should your shack be down the road or in an outbuilding.
The SWLing Post

FT817 replacement?

I have mentioned this before, but I am truly amazed that Yaesu has not updated the FT817.  OK, I have heard the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” argument but on simple commercial arguments I think they must be stupid. There is a worldwide market (500000?) ready to upgrade yet I think they have now missed the window of opportunity as sunspot numbers are falling.

I wonder if any sharp eyed, sharp eared readers have heard any rumours of an imminent replacement?

Severe solar storm

We are currently experiencing the most severe solar storm in very many years with HF very badly disturbed. There are auroras expected far further south than normal. This is a result of a CME event on the Sun interacting with the magnetic field of our planet.

If the weather is clear, check for a visual aurora!

It is also worth keeping eyes and ears alert for auroral propagation on 10m, 6m, 4m and 2m. I have in the past worked stations via aurora using QRP SSB and CW with very simple wire antennas on 10m and 6m. As frequency goes down SSB becomes more possible. What may be a very rough hissy CW note on 2m maybe a fairly decent SSB signal on 10m. The 10m and 6m bands are very worth a try when there is an aurora about.

See .

PI Day Outing with the PRC-104 3.14.15

Saturday being PI Day 3.14 on the calendar and with still major remnants of cabin fever after what seems to be a very long and never ending winter I decided to head out to a place South of Thunder Bay towards the ON/MN border.

The site is located off of Memory Road and is a slight walk up to the top of the hill and from there is a beautiful look at Pine Bay and Lake Superior.

VE3FAL_PM Memory Road Lookout3The wind was quite strong but at 4C and bright sun peeking through the clouds made this outing a great one.  I snowshoed in as the snow was soft but had to take them off when I got to the hill for the last part of the climb to prevent sliding down. Once at the top the view is awesome, there is also a Shrine that was built many years ago now and serves as place for people to go and share some thoughts I guess, as well on the way up are benches for resting with the words, LOVE,HOPE and FAITH on them, As well there are various pictures of Jesus carrying the cross.

VE3FAL_PM Shrine Memory Road

I brought my PRC-104 with me and the PRC-74 antenna with counterpoise and figured that since we were in the time frame for both RaDAR and the HFPack roundup on 18157.5 I would call CQ if the band was not busy, I used cw first and was able to work KC5UN, after that I worked WB4ETT on voice. I then tried the other bands but no joy. I then went and checked into the MMN on 20 meters on 14.300 and checked in with NCS.

VE3FAL_PM Memory Road Lookout2

PRC-74 antenna


PRC-104 Radio










So once again another good day to take the radio out and enjoy the day and just to get out. The video of my outing can be seen on my YouTube Channel at:

I do say Trout Bay in the video but it is Pine Bay, Trout Bay is just a bit further down the road from where I was but is also a bay along the shores of Lake Superior. I thanks all those who listen and work me, and for all the others who enjoy the hobby as much as I do. Portable Ops have really taken the front seat for me and I have no ambition to be cooped up inside the house in a room, but would much rather be outside. The cold I can kinda deal with in my outings, but come summer it brings along the mosquitoes, ticks and blackflies that really have no way to stop or get away from, unless you wait till after 11 PM at night when things cool off and the bugs slow down. But lets see how things work out. See you all down the logbook and have fun. Next RaDAR event is April 4th and I look forward to operating from the same place my winter survival shelter is located near Prince-Jarvis Bay.




Thunder Bay, Ontario

Changing propagation

If proof were needed that we are now on the way down to the next minimum then take a look at the sunspot number graphs at .

Although conditions are sliding, do not abandon the higher HF bands like 10m. There is (usually) quite a lot of good DX around still. In the last solar minimum I was still able to work well into southern South America on 10m with QRP SSB.  WSPR should be even more reliable when conditions are edgy.

I really do hope a strong core of WSPR operators stick with 10m as, in many ways, in the poorer times are when WSPR will be most valuable as a tool. I am hoping that when not on traditional modes like SSB or CW people will still WSPR so we can catch fleeting openings, which are probably far more common than people expect on 10m. Remember, the F2  or transequatorial propagation has only to go above 28.126MHz for 120 seconds and someone on WSPR may spot it!

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 52

Motion sensing using the doppler effect
In order to measure the doppler effect for motion detection on a conventional computer, what you can do is send out a sinusoid at some known (inaudible) frequency, say, 20 kHz.
Daniel Rapp

Hidden CW in Tubular Bells recording
This was caused by a powerful VLF station located next to the recording studio, which interfered with the recording equipment. Because the signal is very weak nobody ever noticed it — until now.

FreeDV and Codec 2 2015 Road Map
VHF FreeDV mode(s) that demonstrates a TDMA repeater in a 5kHz channel, diversity reception, high bit rate audio/data, and operation at 10dB less C/No than analog FM or 1st generation DV systems.

FCC Enforcement Bureau field resources poised to shrink
The Bureau plans to ask the full Commission to cut two-thirds of its field offices and eliminate nearly one-half of its field agents.

Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network
The AREDN project mission is to provide the Amateur Radio community with a quality solution for supporting the needs of high speed data in the Amateur Radio emergency communications field.

Activation of North Korea
3Z9DX explains he has received a further letter from authorities in Pyongyang inviting him to a final meeting to discuss [and for he to accept] rules by the North Korean military and the relevant telecommunications department.
DX World

X-class solar flare causes radio blackout
Good news? There may be some HF band openings in the wake of this flare.
The SWLing Post

Single Sideband on 2 Meters: The other VHF mode
Using SSB instead of FM can be equivalent to having a beam antenna with 10 dB of gain, just by changing modulation types.
Ham Radio School

SOTA Mountain Goat award
After 2 years and 2 days my point total is now 1,007, hallelujah!

Fldigi ported to Android
The multimode digital software package that many have used for years on the desktop, has now been ported to Android.

20-year-old military satellite explodes in orbit
A 20-year-old military weather satellite apparently exploded in orbit Feb. 3 following what the U.S. Air Force described as a sudden temperature spike.


Short video of K1N expedition

AmateurLogic 76: Shutdown Pi, ISS SSTV, Modulation on a Scope

Episode 76 is On-The-Air ...

AmateurLogic.TV Episode 76 is now available for download.

A simple shutdown switch avoids trashing your Raspberry Pi’s operating system. SSTV from the ISS with Peter. George visits the Orange Texas Hamfest. Modulation on a Scope, viewer emails and more.



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