Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 305

Amateur Radio Weekly

Hams crowdsource ionospheric science during eclipse
Probing the ionosphere’s response to the 2023 annular solar eclipse.

A few photos of the new Elecraft KH1
The KH1 is even smaller than I imagined.

NASA tech breathes life into potentially game-changing antenna design
An inflatable device that creates wide collection apertures.

Get publicity for your club with a PSA
How to spread the word about Amateur Radio.

SSTV images received from the ISS
12 images were transmitted from the ISS during the 2023 verification test.

Is a compromise antenna efficient enough?
The antenna you put up always works better than the one you don’t put up.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Backscatter on 28 MHz
Signals are being reflected back towards my location from some distant point.

Machine teaches Morse Code
The Instructograph.

Picking the best battery for portable Ham Radio
Lead Acid vs Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4).


High impedance amplifier for software defined radio
Converts Hi-Z (High Impedance antennas) to 50 Ohm.
Tech Minds

2M Yagi Ham Radio antenna that fits in a pocket
Designed for SOTA and versatile field use.
Ham Radio Rookie

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 304

Amateur Radio Weekly

New Elecraft KH1 Transceiver demo
Wayne Burdick N6KR Elecraft cofounder talking about the new KH1.

ISS SSTV Verification Test Oct 27-Nov 1
The SSTV system will be activated to attempt to verify a replacement piece of hardware.

Being a YL in Ham Radio
A personal experience.

40th anniversary celebration of the positive impact of Amateur Radio on human spaceflight
Held February 22-24, 2024, at the NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center.

Eclipses do odd things to radio waves
An army of amateur broadcasters wants to find out why.

Linux Packeteering: The full service HF PBBS
How to set up your very own full service HF packet BBS on a Raspberry Pi.

Wind turbines for off grid radio: Pros and cons
Wind turbines, the forgotten stepchild of off grid power, deserves more attention.
Off Grid Ham

Listening to astronauts
All the elements screw together through the boom and so it makes it quick to put away and assemble.


K1N The Navassa Island DXpedition 2015
The complete video of the 2015 Navassa Island DXpedition.

USGS Shakeout exercise 2023 over Winlink: A video report
Participating in the USGS worldwide Winlink exercise.

Tape measure vertical on cheap dowel mast pulley system
Resonant on 5 bands.

Stealth foil antenna designed for a car sunroof
Simple antennas can bring joy and a sense of accomplishment.
Ham Radio Rookie

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 303

Amateur Radio Weekly

US Congressional Amateur Radio advocate not seeking reelection
Rep. Debbie Lesko recently introduced legislation to remove FCC symbol rate limit.
ABC 15

Revision of the RST standard for signal reporting
The time has arrived to adopt a new signal reporting system.

Meadow Day Experiment
Working Amateur Radio Operators using broadband Internet connectivity via Starlink.

ARDC seeking committee members for 2024
ARDCs mission is to support, promote, and enhance communication science and technology, promote Amateur Radio, scientific research, education, development, open access, and more.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex
Live analog TV within voice bandwidth.

Signals – Museum of Information Explosion
New museum aims to foster appreciation for communication technology.

Using a municipal flagpole for an antenna
My municipal flagpole antenna was doing fine business.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Madeira HF beacon CS3B destroyed in wildfire
The CS3B was part of the International Beacon Project.


Ham Radio saves stranded motorist in New Jersey
There was no cell service to dispatch emergency services during Tropical Storm Ophelia.

My Simple HF Ham Radio antenna and shack apartment setup
How I setup a 10m dipole, an MFJ BigStick and a shack with limited space, to produce the results I was looking for.

2 meter band tape antenna is lightweight, portable
Duct tape, copper foil tape, and a way to connect to it can make for a amazing J-pole antenna.
Ham Radio Rookie

How to POTA and SOTA on VHF with a Technician License
Bring a chair, relax, enjoy the views, and most important have fun.

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 302

Amateur Radio Weekly

Web based antenna designer and calculator
Tools enabling design and modelling of simple wire antennas for portable use on HF.
Sota Antennas

CBC stops broadcasting official time signal
For more than 80 years the beeps and tones of the time signal have connected Canadians.

Migrating the shack PC to Debian Linux
I am very happy with the performance of applications.

A comprehensive Elecraft KX2 field kit
A kit that gives lots of options for antenna deployments.

Put up a dipole for 10m, a very active band
A little dipole for 10m is not too much of a challenge.
Marxy’s Musing on Technology

72 hours of emergency power on a budget
An American made solar briefcase which fits the bill.

FT-891 as an emergency CB
Spectral output of the FT-891 operated on the CB band is quite clean.

QRP Contact from Australia to Spain with video from both sides
Originating from a portable SOTA activation.
SolderSmoke Daily News

ARRL launches NTS newsletter
The NTS Letter is a monthly digest of all things related to the ARRL National Traffic System.


GNU Radio tutorials for 2023
Tutorial by Daniel Estévez on getting started with GNU Radio Companion, gqrx, and rtl-sdr dongles.

How to turn a cheap extension cord into the ultimate 10 meter vertical
Recycling unused extension cords for antenna builds.

Demonstrating the FM capture effect
Why aircraft still use AM.
Tall Paul Tech

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 301

Amateur Radio Weekly

Introduction to HF packeteering in the modern age
A brief overview of the current state of packet radio on the HF bands.

Discovery Dish pre-launch
A lightweight dish and feed for L-Band weather satellites and hydrogen line reception.

Double the Hamstick dipoles, double the fun
It’s well secured to the chimney in a way that won’t damage anything or anyone during the worst of Chicagoland weather.

Building a DIY end-fed halfwave matching unit on an RCA connector
I stick with the 49:1 windings on the transformer and a 100pF capacitor shunted to ground.

Amazing what you can build from your junk box
I did not order anything from Amazon, instead looking in my parts drawer.

Hot Iron Newsletter
A highly technical quarterly newsletter for Hams.

Counterpoise testing
Testing changes to the radials on a Hamstick system.

Space junk crackdown intensifies as FCC gives first-ever fine to Dish
The U.S. government is cracking down on potentially hazardous trash disposal — in space.
Washington Post


A fully-automatic RotoBug by WB9LPU
A system in which both dots and dashes are made by the same oscillating pendulum.
Antique Wireless Museum

Sci-Fi Short Film DUST
After repairing his Ham radio using parts found in the forest, a recluse radio operator receives a distress call from a stranded Soviet cosmonaut in orbit.

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 300

Amateur Radio Weekly

Meet the Raspberry Pi 5
Increased CPU performance and a significant GPU performance bump.
SparkFun Electronics

Air Force seeks to explore terahertz radio
One of the last frontiers in military RF communications.
Military Aerospace Electronics

Crushing spurs with better bandpass filters
The results were really good.
SolderSmoke Daily News

Junk box loading coil
This coil covers 40M through 17M.

From Amateur Radio operator to creator of the Smith Chart
Phillip Smith, an Amateur Radio operator working at Bell Labs, devised a chart that even today can help engineers understand the behavior of transmission lines.
All About Circuits

WSPR Watch version 4
A long overdue re-write of the app in the modern SwiftUI framework.
Marxy’s musing on technology

Dipoles–A domestic secret weapon
The dipole is the oldest antenna—Herr Professor Heinrich Hertz used a dipole in his 1888 experiments.

Bit by The Black Widow: a 15 meter Moxon Antenna project
The Moxon is an 2 element Yagi style antenna that boasts of a low takeoff angle and high front/back signal to noise ratio.

MMDVM-based projects to merge into one Open-Source project
Many of the long-term bugs in the software have been fixed.


How to read VOACAP charts
Understanding propagation charts.
Broken Signal

Radio texting the easy way
Simple web chat over APRS using DigiPi.
KM6LYW Radio

HF APRS & HF Winlink on ANDROID devices
A new Robust Packet TNC called the Teensy RBR TNC.
Off-Grid Ham Radio OH8STN

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 299

Amateur Radio Weekly

Real-time video from a high altitude balloon
Using an RF4463 to put out 1W of FSK on the 70cm band.

Practical Antennas
Homebrew antenna projects based on over 50 years of building and experimenting.
Practical Antennas

Six things I learned after becoming a CW operator
Things that no one told me about or I thought couldn’t possibly apply to me.

Is a 20m antenna also resonant at 2.4GHz?
Can you get WiFi on that?
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Altoids tin spy radio goes solid state
The design is centered on a custom oscillator board.

Imaging TV satellites with a DIY radio telescope
The result forms a heatmap image of satellite transmissions in the sky.

Visiting the Inmarsat communications groundstation
Normally closed to the public, there was an open day for the 50 year anniversary.

Lithium battery fire risks: Sorting it out
Is the danger real, or a big nothing burger?
Off Grid Ham


The death of the 1/2 million watt transmitter
A view into a fading long wave station.
Ringway Manchester

Stealth Ham Radio antenna the HOA will never find
Chameleon CHA Porta Mast with CHA Hybrid Mini.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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