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Xiegu X108 comparisons against other receivers

Playing around with the X108 I decided to make a few comparisons against a few of my other receivers.

In the comparisons I have used the following:

Yaesu Vertex VX1700 with no extra filters:

YouKits TJ5A 4 band 20 watt transceiver:

The TJ5A is about 200hz low from the listed W1AW/KP2 DxSummit frequency and that on the VX1700 and X108, but the TJ5A has very little to no background noise and AGC works well.

Antenna was same antenna for all comparisons a OCF Windom for 80-10 at 30′




X108_whole_rig TJ5A

X108 on AM, well maybe not

X108 for Shortwave or AM listening

Ok thought I would do some shortwave listening and see how the radio performed on the AM broadcast band.
I first tuned to AM, entered the frequency of 6.000 via the microphone key pad(very cool) to listen to Radio Havana Cuba, adjusted the filters to ATTEMPT to hear the station, 15khz no go, 2.3khz no go and .5khz of course a write off. Tuned around a bit through LSB/USB and found the station was much more intelligible in USB mode.
So I figured I might as well go to 890 WLS Chicago since they have always boomed into Thunder Bay like a local station, same as 650. Anyway, was in AM at 15k on filter and could hardly make out the station, flipped through sidebands and found USB and 2.3k filter was most pleasant for listening to AM. So as a GC receiver the radio needs some work, AM should be one of the easiest modes to perfect. I will make a video of tuning in WLS and post to YouTube.


X108 First Impressions

First off I want to thank Ed (Import Communications) for his patience and time with the arrival, shipment and many questions he has been asked about the X108.
Mine arrived yesterday and was packed well. The radio requires no building at all and came assembled with handles attached, power cable and USB cable and microphone.
The power connector is very small, short wires and no fuse, this would be first thing that I would change out. The other problem I have is the antenna connector, i wish all radio makers would use the BNC to prevent cross threading, cheap ends etc..

The radio display looks good, but for some of the display I need my magnifying cheaters on, but for the better part very nice.
The microphone has multifunction’s like band select, last frequency, and a whole lot more.

I made a contact on SSB on 18 megs with my windom and 10 watts into TX last night, I got a 5×4 and peaked a 5×6, audio report was good as per the chap on the other end.
This morning a made a SKCC qso on 40 meters at 1204z with a member down in Alabama, I was running 5 watts and got a 579 with Bill.

I find one does not need or require the PREAMP, I find the radio is sensitive enough and picks up stations and then some that my VX1700 does not hear, receive is fairly quiet. I need to play a bit more with the ATT as well, I can hear some slight ghosting of the very strong stations from time to time when tuning.

Have used HRD and FLDIGI/FLRIG using the IC718 settings and been able to copy psk using just the audio out jack on the back of the radio and using microphone in on netbook. Need a cable now for PTT and transmit for digital modes. CAT control seems to work well and fast.

Power output is stable on this radio, measured into a digital meter and attached a dummy load I get the following:(using cw to key rig)
160 meters 10 w
80 meter 15 w
40,30,20,17,15,12,10 18 w

Have not checked current draw yet, but I can tell you that in a dead keydown on 80 meters I popped a 5 a fuse in my power bar.

I also have yet to check out the keyer portion of the rig to see how that works, for now just trying to get to know the rig.

Looking forward to hearing from others who have received their X108’s and what their thoughts are.


X108_whole_rig X108 Display


SPRAT on DVD – new version

I am a great supporter of the GQRP club. Their quarterly magazine SPRAT represents the very best in Amateur Radio. If you are interested in QRP then please join the GQRP Club. It is excellent.

There is now a new, up to date version of the DVD with all back copies of the excellent SPRAT magazine.  If I had to stop all subscriptions and magazines then the GQRP club (and SPRAT every quarter) would be the only one I’d keep  – it is that good.

Tony & I have been working away and we have produced the latest version of the Sprat-on-DVD. This includes all Sprats right up to the one that has just been sent to members (number 160).
It is now available to members at £5 plus £1.20 postage. I will have them at the Galashiels rally and at Rishworth of course. The local guys who represent us at some of the other rallies will also have some shortly.
As we have known that this issue has been on the way for a while, as a concession, we will let anyone who bought the current DVD (1 to 148) after 1st August this year, have a copy of the new DVD for the special price of £2.50 including postage. To get this deal, you have to tell me when you bought the old DVD – if at a rally, which rally it was, and send me the CD case paper label together with the £2.50 in stamps. I do not want the actual DVD, just an assurance that you will destroy it when you receive the new one.
I should add that this is for members only of course, and applies just to UK members! Overseas members who think they also qualify should contact me direct and we may be able to work out a deal for them also.
Overseas prices are on the club website –
The new DVD is available to non-members at £12 plus the appropriate postage.

WSPR 4.0 (Beta release)

This is a beta release of WSPR (version 4.0). It has worked fine for me.

This is the version I currently use on all bands. Unfortunately, it does not have the real-time waterfall. You see the action only after a 2 minute TX period and not during the transmission as was the case for WSPRX.

The interface looks very similar to WSPR V2.2.

Please let me, and others, know if there are more recent releases by adding a comment and link.

W5KUB Live – Arduino for Ham Radio with Glen Popiel, KW5GP

30m WSPR transceiver kit

By now, you probably realise that I just love WSPR. With quite simple equipment it is possible to be decoded across the planet consistently with real QRP power levels.   I am always on the look-out for new ideas, although until my health improves I am not in a position to build too much myself. See for an example of a complete 30m WSPR transceiver.

This is NOT a new circuit  – it has been around for some years – and it still needs a PC for the WSPR software. Some TX-only WSPR beacons use microprocessors to generate the WSPR TX messages, thereby freeing up the PC and consuming little power overall. Some sync to GPS to avoid timing issues too.

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