Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

DX from Cannon Mountain

I made a quick trip to Cannon Mountain in Franconia Notch with the family today. I only operated for 10 minutes, but worked two German stations. The view was extraordinary.


We took the tramway to the top with my daughter who is visiting from Hawaii. Judy made a picnic lunch for us and we sat on the east side of the mountain. I put up a 14 foot crappie pole that supported 15 feet of wire. I ran the KX3 at five watts.


DL2DX, Joe was calling CQ on 17M and I answered him. He was 599 and gave me a 569. I told him I was QRP and he sent, “FB with 5W.” We signed, and I was thrilled.


Next I switched to 15 meters and I heard another strong German station. DL5ANT, Ben was just finishing up a QSO and I called him. My signal wasn’t quite as strong to him, but he gave me a 559 and he was 579.


A large black cloud appeared, and we were sure it was about to rain. We packed up and got ready to leave, but the cloud passed to our north. We had a leisurely walk back to the cable car. I’m definitely coming back this summer. It’s a gorgeous spot to operate.


Article on the Sunspot Cycle

Seems the general public is beginning to learn about stuff we have been observing and talking about for the past few years.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

FT817 – wrong setting!

Just realised that I had my FT817ND set to USB and not DIG, so I was not sending any modulation on WSPR TX! This has now been corrected, so I am hopeful of some spots this evening. This is the second time I have made this mistake. It remains to be seen if this was the reason for no spots earlier.

UPDATE 1820zStill no 10m spots!  Must be conditions. Will leave the rig on 10m this evening to see if things improve.

Ultimate 3 kit – offers of help

Our community in Amateur Radio is truly wonderful.

Already, I have had three kind and generous offers to build and test my Ultimate-3 beacon kit, which is currently beyond my building skills because of my brain injury. I still hope to build this myself, but may wait a few more months until I’m less wobbly and clumsy.

This is not the first time I have been touched by the genuine kindness of others. It restores one’s faith in humankind: there are some truly kind people around. Thank you all.

Sometimes we hear about all the bad things in this world. Believe me, the world has very many kind and caring people in it.

How to use an oscilloscope

Alan Wolke, W2AEW, posted a great video yesterday of a presentation on oscilloscope basics at the Ocean-Monmouth Amateur Radio Club in Wall Township, New Jersey. Thanks, Alan!

Bees and Skeeters, oh my!

The bugs is among us!

As of Friday, if you aren’t already aware, Rich Fisher KI6SN announced that he is accepting requests for Bee numbers for the Annual Flight of the Bumble Bees. which will occur on Sunday July 27th.  The sign up procedures for both Sprints remain the same as last year – however each Sprint has a different sign up procedure.

To become a Bee, the first thing you have to do is visit Once you’re there, you can see what numbers have been requested and assigned.  When you have in mind the number you would like to be assigned, you send Rich an e-mail with your request and two alternate choices to:  [email protected].

In your e-mail, you send Rich the following information:

Your Callsign
Your First Name
The field location you anticipate to be operating from

Your Top 3 Choices for FOBB Number

Then, go back and check the database after a bit of time, as Rich will not be sending individual confirmation e-mails. I saw my name and number appear just a few hours after I had sent Rich my request.

As I’ve stated before, the procedure for getting a Skeeter number for the NJQRP Skeeter Hunt is a tad different.  Just send an e-mail to [email protected], and I will send you a sequential number in a confirming e-mail.  I just sent out a bunch of Skeeter numbers to people who sent me requests last week while I was on vacation.  If you have sent me a request, and didn’t get a reply or you don’t see your name on the roster, then I apologize.  Send me another e-mail and I’ll get a number out to you, lickety-split.

Both Sprints are on Sundays from 1700 – 2100 UTC and both are designed to get you and your gear out in the fresh air to enjoy the Great Outdoors. Personally, I hope to work you in both events!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Ultimate 3 beacon – still unable to build it

I am still far too clumsy to build this kit. This morning I was going to start on the LPF but I am still far too wobbly and clumsy to do it. Before my brain bleed this would have been a piece of cake, but today it is too much for me. Damn. I shall wait another month to see if I feel better. Blogging and WSPR I can manage. Talking in contests is hard work, but I can just about manage it for short periods.

Maybe I have to conclude it is too much for me and call on the help to build and test the unit so kindly offered? I did check the full pack and the GPS module is definitely not there but a surplus relay board is. I shall have to contact Hans Summers and return the unwanted PCB and request the GPS module that I paid for but that has not been delivered. It is some months since the bits came. I resisted opening the package until I thought I could build it. I photographed the opening and was very careful.

On reflection, I wonder how much they would have charged to build and test the unit for me?

I hate being unable to do this sort of thing: it feels like I am past it. Please no.

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