Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hat’s off to Palm Radio!

When I came home from work today there was a package in the mail for me, now this is not an unusual thing but I never ordered anything!! Holding the package and making my way back up to my condo apt I am old and do forget things but I was very sure I did not order anything. I opened the package and out came a very nice QSL card from DK7SN, DL9SCO and DL2BAT all hams from Palm Radio in Germany.  I have used their Palm paddle for years and without a doubt this is one of the best paddles I have ever used! I have used it with my Elecract KX1, K2 and KX3 radios and for those CW op's out there you understand when I say it's very smooth, adjustable to your fist and the dit's and dah's you ask of it are the only ones given to you….no more no less. Those of you out there that hit the trails (now that the summer is here) and are looking for not only a portable key but one that is compact and reliable the Palm needs to be seriously considered! It seems I have gone off on a tangent here and wondered away from the package I seems that the gents at Palm radio read my blog and read a comment I made about their cable that connects the Palm paddle to the rig. I said that it seemed it could become damaged easily and for that reason with my KX1 I made the cable attachment permanent. Well HAT'S OFF TO PALM RADIO the cable has been re-designed and  they sent me the new cable free of charge! What they improvements have been made you ask……..
Old cable on KX1
1. The new cable is thinner.
2. The new cable is more flexible.
3. The 3 pin connector ( the area of concern for me) now has an integrated strain relief.
4. The strain relief 3 pin plug is available on it's own so you can use your own cable to suit length.
5. A 3.5mm gold plated plug is added for a more reliable connection.
The new cable
All the new Palm Paddles I am informed now ship with this new cable. Julie and I on many occasions have had a conversation about success in business. Seems we have always come back to the same conclusion over and over again and that is CUSTOMER SERVICE! As hams we all know the companies that offer over the top customer service and those that fall short, it's not my place to mention those that fall short........Some of the companies that I have dealt with that offer fantastic customer service are Elecraft, DX engineering, N4PY software,Telepost, Alexloop, Begali keys and  A&A Engineering this is not an exhaustive list but the companies I have dealt with and had over the top service. Also added to the list is Palm paddles!


Refurbed computers

In a recent post, I had mentioned how I had purchased two refurbished Windows 7 computers from the Blair Group via eBay. One was to replace the family computer that died, and the second was to replace my shack laptop that has seen better days and is in the throes of dying.

I just wanted to mention that so far, I am pretty well pleased with both machines. I spent $139 for each, which is a bargain when you take a look at the price of brand new computers today. But when you’re saving up for a new radio accessory (PX3), you have to save pennies when and where you can.

Each computer is a basic box with Windows 7 installed. You might consider them a bit behind the current OS curve, but for me, this was a step up from XP and Vista. These are very basic computers, with no fancy software bundles, and I like that. A lot.

I don’t need a fancy or overloaded desktop as everyone in the house does basic Web surfing and e-mail reading through tablets now, anyway. The family computer is now basically a homework and formal document machine and you all know what the shack computer is, more or less. If I get 4 or 5 years from each of these, I will be happy.

So if you’re in the market for an inexpensive, yet decent machine, check the Blair Group on eBay. They do a good job.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Stryker SR-89MC 10 Meter Amateur Radio

As I remember the days of working 10 Meters and have always loved the band I haven’t been as active on 10 in years. I was just cruising through some sites and came across this rig. While I have an Icom 7100 in my car now I really did like this rig. For the price tag of $159.00 it seems like a reasonable cost to get up and running on 10m mobile. There are some interesting features of separate color screen and I know some Ham’s night not like having CD frequencies in your car I normally keep an ear on longer trips. I will listen to some of the cross talk about traffic and construction.

Interesting rig to check out:



More on this rig:

Dayton or not? Hamvention vs. Hamcation

Dayton or not? Hamvention vs. Hamcation

I have been to Dayton many times and due to the fact that I live in Florida now I end up going to Orlando HamCation just become of the convince for me. I was just listening to a few people driving home on Dstar and started to think about why I didn’t go.

Dayton was also great because there was a new announcement of radio, great meetups with friends I have not seen in a while and I keep wondering why, is it cost. Is it just because I get the same deals in Orlando or is it because it lost its appeal?

The rest of my question:

Bike Ride to Old Hill Village

Today was magic! Everything has turned green in the last couple of days. Judy and I rode our bikes in Old Hill Village this afternoon. I brought the KX3 and worked Slovenia, Lithuania, Dominican Republic, St. Kitts, Indiana and South Dakota.

We started out at Shop Road and headed south. We could tell the Pemigewasset River was high. But we were surprised when we found the road was flooded about a mile into the trip.


We turned around and rode back to the camper. Then we headed south by car several miles and came into the flood control area from the other end. It was gorgeous. After riding for ten minutes or so, we came to a beautiful little cove.


Soon the old road leveled out through a large field not far from the river. But we were on high ground and didn’t see any more water on the road.


We stopped in front of an old butternut tree a mile or so farther on. I’ve operated here before.


You can see Judy in the background. She brought her knitting and is working on some booties for a friend’s new baby. I tossed my line over the tallest branch and set up a vertical wire. I ran the KX3 at 5 watts and started out on 17 meters. Right away I worked W1AW/0 in South Dakota. I jumped between 17, 15 and 12 meters to work six stations in about 20 minutes.
Here’s my log:

18 May-14 2026 18.085 W1AW/0 CW 599 599 SD
18 May-14 2030 24.892 HI3LFE CW 599 599 Dominican Rep
18 May-14 2034 21.035 LY10W CW 599 599 Lithuania
18 May-14 2037 18.068 S51TA CW 559 599 Slovenia
18 May-14 2043 18.076 W9FAM CW 599 599 IN
18 May-14 2044 18.077 V44KAI CW 599 599 St. Kitts


From this spot I look east across the Pemi to Sanbornton. It’s beautiful.


I packed up the gear for the ride south to the camper. Judy took a quick snapshot of me and the bike.


Live coverage of Hamvention 2014 by W5KUB

wheelock-thumbnailJoin W5KUB for live coverage of Hamvention 2014 beginning at 1300 UTC today. Astronaut Douglas Wheelock, KF5BOC, will be the guest and co-host on both Friday and Saturday morning. Should be a lot of fun, and definitely entertaining!

Live stream @

If you enjoy the live webcast, don’t forget to drop a small donation to support W5KUB’s efforts.

FDIM and Dayton

Once again, I do not have the good fortune of being able to attend FDIM and Dayton.  Attending FDIM is like, #1 on my wish list, but not this year and probably not next year, either.  Joey’s Confirmation is this weekend and next year, Cara’s will be the same weekend. So maybe FDIM 2016?  I can always hope!

But even though I’m not there, I do have the symposium running on a separate tab and I am listening, while working. is the link, for those of you not in the know.

What I am listening to is mostly over my head.  I’m not a technical wizard by any stretch of the imagination.  Most of these guys making presentations are using transporters while I’m still rubbing two sticks together, trying to make fire.  That said, it’s still fun to listen to. Craig Behrens NM4T gave a talk that I am actually able to follow and enjoy – same for Rev. Dobson’s talk on regenerative receivers earlier this morning. And right now there’s a fascinating talk being given about WWII POWs building clandestine radios by Dave Cripe NM0S. Man, I wish I were there!

All this talk of Arduinos has me curious.  There’s a guy who comes to all the NJ Hamfests who sells beginner kits and I have that ARRL Birthday Month coupon kicking around – and they have a good book on Arduino experimenting, if I remember correctly.  Intriguing (like I don’t have enough to do!).

This afternoon during lunch I had a cool QSO with Gary WA2JQZ who was operating the Marshall Spaceflight Center ARC station WA4NZD. Gary was using a Yaesu FT950 at 5 Watts to a dipole.  He was a good 579 or louder here and I got a 559 in return.  I had actually worked Gary a few weekends ago during QRPttF. So we talked about that among other things.

And I hope I’m not “talking out of school” here, or giving away state secrets, but Gary shared some information that I am going to pass on.  Please listen for N4A later on this year, sometime towards the end of July. The Marshall Spaceflight Center ARC will be using that call to run a Special Event station honoring and commemorating Apollo 11 – which of course, landed on the Moon in July – July 20th, 1969 to be exact.  I’m not sure when they will be on, but I am sure there will be announcements in all the usual places.

As a Baby Boomer, I was a huge manned spaceflight fan/geek.  When I hear about something like this, I make every effort to work the space flight themed Special Event stations – even if it means picking up a microphone (ugh!)

UpdateCongrats to TJ Campie, W0EA (fellow blogger) who won one of four TenTec Rebel radios, which were given as door prizes today at FDIM. It was neat to listen in as his name was announced.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care enough to send the least!

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