Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 256
Hams continue response to Ian
Over 125 specific reports have been filed to the National Hurricane Center.
Amateur Radio Satellite from Zimbabwe
Zimbabwes first satellite ZimSat-1, carrying an Amateur Radio APRS digipeater is expected to be be launched to the ISS in October.
A cheap amplifier kit off Aliexpress for a few bucks
It worked, but not very well. The input SWR was 5:1.
Hams you should know: Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD
Known among radio enthusiasts as the most trusted Ham in Amateur Radio.
Build an HF Ham Radio dipole antenna
Use a few simple components at a minimal cost and get great results.
Electronics Notes
Similarities of current Yaesu rigs
Yaesus about-to-be-available FT-710 is a curious specimen.
QDX is an excellent digital modes transceiver
What is astonishing is how good the transmit is.
marxys musing on technology
What do VHF and UHF mean?
We toss around these terms quite loosely even though they have precise definitions.
BBC announces World Service cutbacks
BBC to end production of radio output in 10 languages.
Detecting Starlink Satellites with a portable Raspberry Pi
Starlink beacons typically transmit at around 11.325 GHz.
Is Your House Bugged?
A current loop microphone can provide audio surveillance at low cost and high fidelity.
Leos Bag of Tricks
Solved: RF interference from light dimmer switches
Quin and Tom explain how to get rid of RF interference.
Ham Radio Perspectives
HF & Shortwave on the RTL SDR
Ive received many questions if this can be done, and the short answer is yes.
Tom the Dilettante
NØVCU boat anchor collection
In the shop he has many Swan transceivers, Collins, Drake and Cubic.
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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 255
A four-year program to tackle a fundamental antenna challenge
IARPA hopes to break past an 80-year-old limit on making small radio antennas more effective
IEEE Spectrum
Ham Radio transponder on the Moon
Japan Ham Radio club to implement beacon with ULS launch.
JAXA Ham Radio Club
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo this weekend
A fully interactive exhibit hall, exhibitor booths, and Amateur Radio presentations.
QSO Today
How the BBC (still) sends audio to transmitter sites
The BBCs national UK FM transmitter chain.
Hack A Day
An inside look into FlightAwares software defined radio
The hardware and software architecture of the software defined radio that powers the FlightAware ADS-B receivers.
ARRL reports significant decline in investment portfolio
ARRL taps fund to cover operations.
CQ Newsroom
One Hams ARRL VHF Contest results
Its been fun to make more contacts on 2 meters. I hope to add more grids during the upcoming meteor showers.
Rare Ham Radio exam session to be held in Beijing
For many, up to a 1,500 km journey is required. There is no other choice.
Conventional vs. inverter generators
How long one can expect a generator to last is highly speculative.
Off Grid Ham
A Brief Survey of Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio
Ham Radio – thats still around?
Trombone capacitors and how to expand aluminum cans
Trombone capacitors and how to expand aluminum cans for a magnetic loop antenna design.
North Carolina Prepper
Iowa creek water: WIll it QSO?
Will creek water QSO? Theres only on way to find out.
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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 254
Amateur Radio is still a thing. Heres why
Once dismissed as an “old mans hobby,” amateur radio has grown in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic.
ARRL to grant $500,000 to clubs
ARRL will enable clubs to more easily provide and expand their important services.
Chasing weather balloons with Software-Defined Radio
How to hunt for downed radiosonde beacons with a cheap SDR receiver
IEEE Spectrum
BBC Radio 4 Short Cuts: Treetop Antennas
From the forests of North Carolina, USA to the city of Kyiv, Ukraine – two Ham Radio enthusiasts seek each other out.
9/11 special event
Station WA2NYC will operate as a remembrance of the 21st anniversary on the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.
Amateur Radio Operator to honor broadcast engineers lost on 9/11
New England Ham Radio Repeater to be dedicated to their memory.
DIY solder fume extractor
A 3D printed enclosure, a motor salvaged from a cheap toy quadcopter, and a custom PCB which uses the ATtiny13 and an AO4406 MOSFET to implement a PWM speed control.
Hack A Day
Boats on the Air
Boats on the Air was created to combine two passions: boating and ham radio!
Boats on the Air
Why dosSome VFOs tune more linearly than others?
For a given amount of VFO frequency dial turn you can get vastly different changes in frequency.
DEF CON 30: Ham Radio Village interview
The lowdown on the Ham Radio Village at DEF CON 30.
KYET AM stereo radio station transmitter tour
Tour of AM stereo broadcast radio station.
openSPOT 4: Did the best get better?
We take a look at the new cross-mode openSPOT4 from SharkRF.
Tech Minds
Digging to create an efficient under house workshop
This video takes you through the journey, the problems faced and the solutions I came up with to get the most out of the space.
Teaching Tech
Classic Mac running APRS
Macintosh SE/30 receiving APRS packets via a vintage TNC.
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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 253
LoRa APRS Tracker
A LoRa based APRS tracker for ESP32 boards.
How healthy is your club?
A reminder of some of the things that your club can do to make it a more vibrant and engaging organization.
Club satisfaction in 2022
Weve pulled together data describing the current perception of Ham Radio clubs, post-COVID.
Essex Ham
An economical solar kit for a 100W Ham station
Today you can find several manufacturers of complete kits with a charge and storage capacity.
FISSURE: An Open Source RF reverse engineering framework
Allows beginners to quickly learn about popular tools and techniques involving RF and reverse engineering.
Celebrating early Ham Gladys Kathleen Parkin, 6SO
on April 13, 1916, at the age of fifteen, on a whim just to see if she could pass, she tested and obtained a first-class commercial radio operators license.
Route 66 On the Air Special Event
Purpose of the event is to commemorate the history of the “Mother Road” connecting the east and west areas of the US.
Masonic Lodges on the Air event
An Amateur Radio special event will be on the air Saturday, September 24, 2022.
A day for oscilloscopes
Read about the history and evolution of this tremendous technology.
Simple SDR receiver on a breadboard
10kHz-30MHz breadboard SDR receiver.
Aniss Oulhaci
MacLoggerDX and Fldigi on OS X
MacLoggerDX can text or email you when the bands are open or that rare DX is spotted.
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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 252
New Icom IC-905 VHF/UHF/SHF SDR transceiver – 144MHz to 10GHz
Originally dubbed Project SHF, the new IC-905 sports a control unit based on the portable IC-705.
Hunstville Hamfest in photos
The Huntsville Hamfest was alive and well this year with a strong showing from major companies.
QRZ New Ham Jumpstart Program
The program will provide a new Ham welcome package, including a free HT, to eligible applicants.
Solid-stating old tube gear
Look at that. Well, maybe some of you shouldnt.
SolderSmoke Daily News
Is your radio vulnerable to outside control?
In our IoT (Internet of Things) world things are open to purposeful and inadvertent control.
With Varying Frequency
Maidenhead Grid overlay for
Add a grid overlay to the popular APRS map.
Understanding wire & conductors
Wire and electrical conductors are so fundamental that we use them without giving much thought to their importance.
Off Grid Ham
13-year-old restoring old Soviet tech
Unlike most 13-year-old girls, she has a passion for fixing phones and computers.
Nuclear power plant exercise includes ARES
The drill was practice for the federally judged exercise scheduled for September.
Huntsville Hamfest 2022
We will walk the floor, check out some vendor areas, and the flee market.
Tank Radio
How to make meteor scatter QSOs
Harnessing Meteors for Ham Radio VHF QSOs.
5 useful 3D printer projects For Ham Radio
Five 3D printer projects for the Amateur Radio Operator
Tech Minds
Integrated Circuit Manufacturing At Bell Labs (1983)
This classic 16mm Bell Labs film shows every step of the manufacturing process for integrated circuits.
Fran Blanche
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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 251
APRS and voice repeater on ISS now operating simultaneously
Simultaneous operations of the ARISS voice repeater and digital APRS communications on the Space Station is now a reality.
Inaugural Young Amateurs Radio Club Event
The inaugural Worked All YARC Zones event from September 1st to September 15th.
Tape measure antenna efficiency
Scrape the yellow paint and make a copper bath if high radiation performance is desired.
Volunteer Monitor program report for July 2022
Notices for unlicensed operation on 2-meter amateur frequencies were sent to two logging companies in Kettle Falls, Washington.
Mini AM radio transmitter kit
A tiny $25 mediumwave transmitter kit.
SWLing Post
An off-grid wind and solar powered satellite image receiver
A very impressive remote off-grid radio satellite image receiver setup by DO3MLA.
Lightweight choke balun
A Choke balun using RG-316.
This weekend: International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
The ILLW attracts over 500 lighthouse entries located in over 40 countries.
Five types of operators you should want to be
Here are five examples that you can aspire to.
Starlink ground stations successfully hacked
The hack is a modchip with an RP2040 and a MOSFET that crowbars the power rails.
Hack A Day
Radio assembly line 1942 Holland
The Erres KY-418 radio set assembly line.
Vintage SONY Japan manufacturing plants
Snapshots of Trinitron TV, video tape recorder, semiconductors, and more.
Computer History Archives Project
CornTenna QRP SSB
Today we find out if a green stalk of corn has enough conductance to radiate a 5 Watt QRP signal.
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Where’s My WAZ Certificate?
Guess what! Today, I received (by postal service) this very nice plaque from CQ, for working and confirming all 40 of the worldwide CQ DX Zones.
Many of you wonder, “where are my paper certificates for my WAZ efforts?”
At least one, if not all of the following, are reasons why there has been such a long delay in getting paper certificates for the WAZ CQ program:
- Paper certificates (blanks) were not available and backordered (Covid, folks).
- There is only ONE person doing the lettering (by hand).
- The advent of FT8 and FT4 in the WAZ program has SWAMPED the program. There’s a HUGE backlog.
That said, the new CQ WAZ Manager (N4BAA, JOSE CASTILLO) has made the following statement available:
— quote follows —
Effective September 1, 2022, CQ Magazine will no longer provide the Hand Lettered CQ WAZ paper certificate for free.
- Accept the standard award offering which is a High-Definition PDF file. This file can be printed in color and framed and is very nice. This award is delivered immediately with award letter, thus, no waiting.
- Select the traditional CQ WAZ Hand-Lettered award: the cost is $19.00 and includes shipping worldwide. This award option is managed by CQ Magazine and can take up to 180 days to receive.
- Select a Level I plaque: 7” x 9” two-tone engraved wood plaque: cost is $57 US / $100 International and includes shipping. Delivery time is under 30 days for US stations and less than 60 days internationally.
- Select a Level II plaque: 9” x 12” Floating Etched Acrylic over Black Wood: cost is $91 US / $135 International. and includes shipping.
Here is a video that the administrator has posted, about this:
Delivery time is roughly 30 days for US stations and less than 60 days internationally depending on the actual address.
The intent of this program is to respond to the ever-increasing demand for more options that are still very personalized as well as very elegant.
Not every ham is able to achieve the requirements for a 5BWAZ or 160 Meter plaque, so he is making this offering to everyone!
All questions or inquiries and plaque orders should be directed to the CQ WAZ Manager via email at [email protected] or postal mail via address.
All plaque data will be taken directly from the information provided in your email. The CQ WAZ manager will not be responsible for errors in data supplied by the recipient other than AWARD type and Award number.
To Place Order: send the information below via email to [email protected] or via postal mail to my address and please double-check spelling etc.
Email Subject line should be: “WAZ PLAQUE ORDER – YOUR CALL”
Then, provide the following information:
Call Sign:
Desired Name on Plaque:
(example: MIXED, RTTY, 15M CW, EME, etc.)
Date on Award:
Award Desired:
– Level 1 plaque – $57 US / $100 International
– Level 2 plaque – $91 US / $135 International
There you have it…
73 de NW7US dit dit