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The Spectrum Monitor — July, 2018

Stories you’ll find in our July, 2018 issue:

The Development of Police Radio Communications in the United States
By John F. Schneider W9FGH

Policing in America before the 1920s was done by the beat policeman, who wandered his assigned neighborhood on foot. If he needed to communicate with his precinct officer, he used a street corner police call-box. The Detroit Police Department, led by a visionary police commissioner, was the first to seriously experiment with installing radio receivers in patrol cars, beginning in 1922 with the licensing of its own radio station, KOP. But, although the emerging technology of radio held obvious promise as a means of communication, there were still many shortcomings in its fledgling years that prevented its reliable use in vehicles. John notes the historical issues involved with police broadcasting and the general public tuning in—a nearly one-hundred year-old tradition.

Listening in on the WWI Western Front: The SCR-54A (BC-14A) Receiver
By Rich Post KB8TAD

One hundred years ago, the United States was at war. At the start of the World War I, the US Navy, as authorized by the President, ordered that all private radio transmitters and receivers, whether licensed or unlicensed, be dismantled. The order was not just for the spark transmitters of the day, but even simple hobbyist crystal receiving sets. Rich explores the SCR-54A BC14A , a state-of-the-art WWI radio receiver system, which along with a BC-15A spark transmitter wedged aboard an airplane would allow the pilot to provide reconnaissance from the battlefield. Rich takes a look at this combo, which took serious skills to operate in testing—let alone in battle.

Cheerio: Amateur Radio’s Checkered History at the BBC
By Richard Fisher KI6SN

Last fall, with the pomp and ceremony for which Great Britain is so well known, Lord Tony Hall, Baron Hall of Berkenhead, and head of the BBC, cut the ribbon to officially open amateur radio station G8BBC, turning the page to the newest chapter in the British Broadcasting Corporation’s on-again-off-again romance with amateur radio. Richard explains how hams at the BBC have fared over the decades, occupying a thin sliver of real estate, courtesy of the world’s most well known shortwave voice.

TSM Reviews: Palstar LA-1K Solid-State HF Amplifier
By Mark Haverstock K8MSH

Since the beginning of ham radio, vacuum tube amplifiers have dominated the market. They’re relatively economical to manufacture, tolerant of abuse, and have some leeway to match antennas that aren’t exactly resonant. More recently, solid-state amplifiers have gained traction among amateur radio operators. They’re instant-on and more convenient—getting you on the air with less operator intervention. Mark examines the Palstar LA-1K solid-state HF amplifier and finds some very positive attributes that come at a stiff price.

Scanning America
By Dan Veenaman
Portsmouth (VA), Grant County (WI) and the ISS

Federal Wavelenghts
By Chris Parris
More Federal Digital Modes

By Larry Van Horn N5FPW
Update: Monitoring Military Hurricane Communications

Utility Planet
By Hugh Stegman
U.S. Radio Strangeness Continues

Shortwave Utility Logs
By Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz

VHF and Above
By Joe Lynch N6CL
Contests and Field Day for VHF and Above

Digitally Speaking
By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV
When Elephants Fight, it is the Ground that Suffers

Amateur Radio Insights
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
Static and Frustration from DC to Daylight—Welcome to Summer Propagation

Radio 101
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
$664 Solution to Solar Cycle Doldrums

Radio Propagation
By Tomas Hood NW7US
The Sun in Sonic and Visual Art: an Aid to Scientists

The World of Shortwave Listening
By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL
SDR Primer Part 2: Exploring the World of SDRs for $200 or Less

The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
40 Years of Shortwave Listening

Maritime Monitoring
By Ron Walsh VE3GO
Sailing On

The Longwave Zone
By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Adventures in Radio Restoration
By Rich Post KB8TAD
Ballantine 300 and the Boonton Connection

Antenna Connections
By Dan Farber AC0LW
Understanding Ground: A Review

The Spectrum Monitor is available in PDF format which can be read on any desktop, laptop, iPad®, Kindle® Fire, or other device capable of opening a PDF file. Annual subscription is $24. Individual monthly issues are available for $3 each.

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 209

Receive SSTV from Space June 29-July 1
These images will commemorate the various satellites that were hand-deployed from the ISS.

Attendance holds steady at Hamvention 2018
At 28,417 visitors, Hamvention recorded its third-largest attendance ever in its second year at its still-new location in Xenia, Ohio.

“Baker is Brutal!” KH1/KH7Z DXpedition team reports
“They say it never rains on Baker,” the DXpedition noted in its June 28 update. “At midnight giant squalls came through knocking out one of our three antennas that we worked so hard to get up.

That wasn’t good – that was great
180 degree opposites! As much as I feared that I wasn’t into Field Day this year, that’s how much it turned out to be a truly great experience.

Field Day 2018 – Every day is field day
One of the primary goals of my station configuration, whether at home or in the field, is keeping the station as small and uncomplicated as possible.

The N4Y 2018 ARRL Field Day Report
Field Day this year was a two operator, one transmitter operation on emergency power.

The Apollo Survival Radio
The transceiver and its cylindrical battery pack were water-tight. It could operate in beacon mode for up to 24 hours.
The SWLing Post

Activating Southern Britain’s Highest Mountain on Top Band
I was pretty confident that I’d have enough space for an 80m dipole, as long as I setup well away from the main summit.
Adventures in Ham Radio

13 Colonies special event begins July 1
Celebrating 10 years honoring the original 13 colonies.

Cuban special event
Activity is to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the Naval Battle during the Spanish, Cuban, American War.


Building a giant 2m corner reflector antenna
For GOES-16, pulsars and more.

Basics of RF Bias Tees including applications and examples
Bias Tees are RF components that are used whenever you need to couple a DC, power or low-speed control signal onto an RF signal path.

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Ham radio as I know it is out

I decided to put my Elecraft K3, Elecraft P3  , K-pod and LP-Pan up for sale!! It may sound odd but I was very close to the K3 and it served me very well. The support at Elecraft is amazing along with many rig software updates. The gear was sold one piece at a time. First it was the LP Pan that was sold and soon after the Elecraft P3 was sold and then the K-pod was gone. Just today the Elecraft K3 was shipped out. What is left is a vacant spot on the left side of the radio desk.........hmmmm is it still called a radio desk with no radio??? Why this drastic move you ask.....well the solar cycle is at a low, I do have some real challenges in the condo with a compromised antenna and when I looked over at the roll top desk that used to hold the K3 I just was not moved to go and turn it on. I came to the conclusion I needed a new challenge, something to give my learning curve a challenge. So what am I off to next.........stay tuned to find out!

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 208

Field Day site locator: Find a Field Day event near you
This page shows public Field Day sites that members of the public and media can visit.

Increased solar activity for Field Day
We have not seen numbers such as this since last September. This is good news just before ARRL Field Day, assuming the activity does not produce any geomagnetic disturbance.

Field Day 2018: Give Them A Reason To Care
When you go to Field Day 2018, bring someone with you and convince them that amateur radio matters.
Off Grid Ham

Field Day Bulletin Schedule
Those participating in Field Day can earn 100 bonus points for copying the special Field Day bulletin transmitted by W1AW or by K6KPH.

Shortwave station WTWW featuring live call-ins during Field Day
9930 and 5085 KHz. Call in toll free: 833-390-5085

Broadcaster to Transmit Field Day Greetings in MFSK64
A 100 kW HF broadcast transmitter in Nauen, Germany, will send Field Day greetings to North American radio amateurs in MFSK64.

Field Day Site Survey for a Horizontal Loop Antenna
We are seriously considering a 260-foot loop that is one wavelength at 80 meters. It can be a square or triangle.

Explaining the current capacitor shortage
In short, we are in the middle of a global capacitor shortage the likes of which the electronics manufacturing industry has not experienced since 2008.

Building an RF Direction Finding Robot with an RTL-SDR
The goal is to set up an ISM band transmitter as a beacon, and use the RTL-SDR on the robot as the receiver.

1970s Citizens Band Radio culture
“It was before mobile phones, before the internet. It was the initial form of mass communication, a way you could chat to your friends for free,” says David Titlow as we talk about CB Radio, the now-obscure 1970s and 80s technology.
British Journal of Photography


Why We Love Field Day
An 8 part video series highlighting the best aspects of Field Day.
DX Engineering

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 207

Going ham for Ham Radio
Lawmakers are making a multi-pronged push to drive the bipartisan Amateur Radio Parity Act through Congress and finally bypass objections from top Senate Commerce Democrat Bill Nelson of Florida, whose allegiance to his state’s homeowners’ associations drove his panel to yank the bill from consideration last fall. Editor’s note: Scroll toward the middle of this article for mention of the Parity Act.

Operating Rover in the ARRL June 2018 VHF Contest
First June VHF contest as a rover. Route worked well. Good QSOs from contest stations. Heat burned me out. WSJT burned me up.

Could a P5 DXpedition happen?
Based on what I saw on the news coverage of yesterdays Summit, I would have to say that “anything is possible” and it seems that the possibility is more likely today than it was yesterday.

Iran radars on ham radio 28 MHz band
Iranian radars have been very active in the Amateur Radio primary 28 MHz (10m) band every day.

RAC 25th Anniversary Challenge Coin Program
Radio Amateurs of Canada launched the special RAC 25th Anniversary Challenge Coin program.

Tropospheric DX on 2m SSB (with video)
I’ve never really experienced a proper tropospheric opening on 2m before. It’s a propagation mode I’ve been fascinated in, but I’ve just never been on the air at the right time.
Adventures in Ham Radio

Bench Testing HF Radios with a HackRF
This post describes how we implemented an HF channel simulator to bench test a digital HF radio using modern SDRs.

Series & parallel wiring your solar array
So you’ve had your fun with small single solar panels and are ready for a larger multi-panel system that can handle beefier loads.
Off Grid Ham

Raspberry Pi as an SDR – without the SDR
This has been made possible through clever use of the on-board Broadcom 802.11ac WiFi chip. The result is a TX-capable SDR.
Hack A Day


2 Days Off Grid – PowerFilm Solar Ham Radio & Raspberry Pi
During March 2018 I took a short trip to 66 degrees North to field test the solar powered ham radio field station.

ARRL on The Weather Channel
Meteorologist Stephanie Abrams interviewed ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey on how to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season.
Facebook / ARRL

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 206

FT8 Adoption: The New Cool Thing
Making QSOs is king.

Trouble Free HF Antenna For The Apartment Dwelling Ham
One enterprising local amateur has combined early established antenna fundamentals along with sound engineering to arrive at an elegant and highly successful solution.

FCC proposes $2.8 million fine against manufacturer
The FCC proposed a $2.8 million penalty against HobbyKing, a provider of audio/video transmitters that are intended to relay video to unmanned aircraft systems and other devices.

Tom’s Backpack Shack
The goal is to make a field-deployable DX kit that isn’t cumbersome or time-consuming to set up on site.
The SWLing Post

Raspberry Pi Vintage Radio
Converted 2 vintage radios by replacing the analog electronics with a Raspberry Pi and python software to emulate the tuning of vintage radio content from the golden age of radio.
Maker Share

Student grilled for carrying VHF radio
A 19-year-old ham was detained at Nagole Metro Station and questioned for almost one hour.
Telangana Today

Classifying crystals with an SDR dongle
That’s generally a job for an oscilloscope, but if you’re clever, an SDR dongle can make a dandy crystal checker too.
Hack A Day

How to tell if you have a fake Nagoya antenna
A number of ways to tell if your NA-771 is a fake.

When antenna tilt matters
Ever wonder how sensitive our mobile antennas are to antenna tilt? Data from a previous test of antennas on my small SUV show a pattern tilt correlating to an approximate 5 degree antenna tilt towards the centerline.
Ham Radio . Magnum Experimentum


Altair 8800 as AM SDR transmitter
Sending radio wave interference to a nearby AM radio.

Getting ready for the VHF/SOTA Contest
The ARRL VHF contest is this weekend, so I am heading out to the George Washington National Forest to activate some 10 point SOTA summits and finish it up with the VHF contest. All these sites qualify for the Parks on the Air as well.

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The Spectrum Monitor — June, 2018

Stories you’ll find in our June, 2018 issue:

SDR Primer Part 1: Introduction to SDRs and SDR applications
By Thomas Witherspoon K4SWL

Whereas your grandpa’s radio was all hardware––in the form of filters, mixers, amplifiers, and the like––Software Defined Radios are a mix of hardware and software, which typically gives them a “black box” appearance. SDRs typically afford access to a dizzying array of customizable filters, gain controls, noise blankers, digital signal processing (DSP), audio controls, and more. Being able to customize the SDR’s performance and listening experience is simply unsurpassed. In the first part of this series, Thomas focuses on the basic components of an SDR system—multiple virtual receivers; recording tools and Web-based upgrades.

Radio Evolution: From Wooden Boxes to Plug-in Dongles
By Bob Grove W8JHD

In this companion piece to Thomas’ SDR Primer, Bob Grove traces the technological history of radio from tube-based wooden-box radios to solid-state radios employing Large-Scale Integration of components into compact packages. The Software Defined Radio concept was the natural next step in this evolution, affording not just economy of scale in production and superior reception parameters, but affording manufacturers the ability to change those parameters with a software upgrade. Specifically, Bob looks at the WR-DRD-171 digital decoder dongle for the high-end WiNRADiO WR-G39DDC receiver that could make it the ultimate all-band, all-mode receiver.

Uniden BCD436HP vs. Whistler TRX-1 – A TSM Side-by-Side Review
By Larry Van Horn N5FPW

We first reviewed the Uniden BCD536 in the April 2014 issue with an update six months later. As a point of reference, for all practical purposes the BCD536HP and BCD436HP are RF identical which makes the initial review worth reading. Larry’s initial review of the Whistler TRX-1 appeared in the January issue this year, in the same issue Bob Grove wrote the TRX-2 base/mobile review. RF-wise, these radios are very similar. So, after six months of intensive testing side by side and field usage, it is time to look at a comparison of the two companies top-end handhelds.

2018 Hamvention Report
By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

Hamvention 2018 has come and gone. It would be easy to sum it up in one word as “Wow!” But that would not do justice to an event that is built upon so much planning, volunteer effort, cooperation from state, county and local law enforcement as well as EMS personnel, Greene County (Ohio) Convention and Visitors Bureau, City of Xenia (Ohio) officials, and countless others. Cory takes us on a tour of this year’s Hamvention, with comments about those who were there and those who weren’t.

Echos of Today: A World of Shortwave and BCB listening from ‘Alexa’
By Richard Fisher KI6SN

Imagine listening to your favorite shortwave or AM-FM broadcast band station on a receiver about the size and shape of a hockey puck. It has no dials. You have an SWLing assistant whose name is “Alexa: and she is virtual. This is an example of advancing Internet-connected technology known as the “smart speaker,” with capability to please the shortwave and broadcast band listener. Richard gives Alexa his commands and enters a new no-knobs, no-dial world of global radio listening.

Scanning America
By Dan Veeneman
Scanning Miami-Dade County, Florida

Federal Wavelengths
By Chris Parris
Dallas Federal Monitoring

By Larry Van Horn N5FPW
Monitor the 380-399.9 MHz Radio Spectrum

Utility Planet
By Hugh Stegman NV6H
It’s COTHEN Time Again!

Shortwave Utility Logs
Compiled by Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz

VHF and Above
By Joe Lynch N6CL
A Busy Month; DX Engineering TW Antenna Center Box Cover

Digitally Speaking
By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV
A Midsummer’s Potpourri

Amateur Radio Insights
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
The Siren Song of Small Antennas

Radio 101
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
Korean Summit via FTA Satellite; The Future of C-Band; Armed Forces Day Crossband Test

Radio Propagation
By Tomas Hood NW7US
Field Day Fun, Again!

The World of Shortwave Listening
By Andrew Yoder
Remembering WWII-era Clandestine Shortwave Radio Stations

The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
Proms, DW and BBC Radio Highlights

Amateur Radio Satellites
By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF
Golf-TEE and Golf-1 Get Rides to Space

The Longwave Zone
By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
Travelogue & Radio Ties

Adventures in Radio Restoration
By Rich Post KB8TAD
The Transition: a Tale of Two Philcos

The Spectrum Monitor is available in PDF format which can be read on any desktop, laptop, iPad®, Kindle® Fire, or other device capable of opening a PDF file. Annual subscription is $24. Individual monthly issues are available for $3 each.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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