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The Spectrum Monitor — April, 2018

Stories you’ll find in our April, 2018 issue:

TSM Reviews: Icom IC-7610
By Mark Haverstock K8MSH

At Hamvention 2017, we got our first official peek at the IC-7610. It was billed as the next big thing in amateur radio transceivers, containing a more advanced set of features than the IC-7300. And, it’s loaded: An Ethernet port to run the radio remotely; an onboard RS-BA1 server means no PC or software is required; left and right speaker outputs; USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports; built-in RTTY/PSK on-screen decoder and encoder; TX memory means you can do basic QSO or contest operations without using an external device or software. And that’s just to start! Mark puts this rig through its paces.

‘De-Frankensteining’ Electricity: Life and Work of Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry
By Georg Wiessala

There are significant parallels between the lives and careers of Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry: They lived in times when gases and electricity fascinated people and were among the first to work by scientific method, through controlled experiments and experimental science. More generally, both researchers were born in poverty and seriously troubling family backgrounds. Both were apprenticed at a young age, both became eminent scientists and outstanding science communicators, educators and lecturers. Georg examines the lives of these two giants of electricity.

Facing the Challenge of Making Ends Meet at Nonprofit Radio Stations
By Richard Fisher KI6SN

The world of Low Power FM (LPFM) radio is a far cry from the well-heeled world of their distant cousins—powerful noncommercial radio stations in big cities. Instead of feasting on highly organized quarterly fundraisers that can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars, LPFMs can often be heard pleading for day-to-day funds to fix air conditioners, CD players, even transmitters. Richard looks into this seldom reported part of American radio.

Yaesu FTM-3207DR
By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV

While prototypes of the FTM-3207 were shown at the Dayton Hamvention in 2017, it was not until nearly the end of the year that the radios started shipping. This happened for several reasons – not the least of which was the reveal of System Fusion II – with new features, a new repeater and upgraded firmware for existing radios. Understandably, upgrading and enhancing the “System” part of System Fusion took precedence over the release of a new radio. The upside is that when the FTM-3207 was released, it had some unexpected and welcome new features making it fully System Fusion II- ready and then some. Cory takes a look at the Yaesu FTM-3207 and speculates on the future of Digital Voice on the VHF/UHF amateur bands.

Channel Master’s New Over-the-Air TV Tuner/DVR with Interactive On-Screen Guide
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

The landscape has been ripe for a digital OTA-TV tuner with recording capabilities and interactive guide. Channel Master has previously released similar products, which we have reviewed in years past, but in order to compete with TiVo or an Over-the-Top (OTT) device such as Roku and deliver a more cable/satellite-type viewing experience, Internet connectivity would be required. That brought the company to launch its latest effort in March—the CM-7600 Stream+ Media Player, an OTA-TV/Internet set-top box. We take a look at how this new Channel Master product works today.

Scanning America
By Dan Veeneman
DeKalb County, Illinois and New Additions to P-25 Phase II

Federal Wavelengths
By Chris Parris
Software Defined Radio and Federal Monitoring

By Larry Van Horn N5FPW
225-400 MHz Military Aircraft Band Overview

Utility Planet
By Hugh Stegman NV6H
Whew! (Busy Month on the Radio)

Shortwave Utility Logs
Compiled by Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz

VHF and Above
By Joe Lynch N6CL
The Lyrids Meteor Shower

Digitally Speaking
By Cory Sickles WA3UVV
Analog FM – Half Off

Amateur Radio Insights
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
You Can’t Keep a Good Antenna Down

Radio 101
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
Baseball on the Radio 2018

Radio Propagation
By Tomas Hood NW7US
How to Beat the Low Sunspot Numbers

The World of Shortwave Listening
By Rob Wagner VK3BVD
A Little Knowledge of Propagation Can Really Help!

The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
Blues on Shortwave; BBC Programming for April

Maritime Monitoring
By Ron Walsh VE3GO
Radio Active Spring

The Longwave Zone
By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
PIM/272 is Back (Sort of)!

Adventures in Radio Restorations
By Rich Post KB8TAD
Hallicrafters S-85: Another Scarce Model

Antenna Connections
By Dan Farber AC0LW
Move Toward the Light: Antennas Above 144 MHz, Part One

The Spectrum Monitor is available in PDF format which can be read on any desktop, laptop, iPad®, Kindle® Fire, or other device capable of opening a PDF file. Annual subscription is $24. Individual monthly issues are available for $3 each.

Short Demonstration of Using Ham Radio Deluxe with WSJT-X and FT8 Digital Mode

Ham Radio Deluxe can log your WSJT-X FT8, JT65A, and JT9 QSOs, via the JT-Alert software. This is a demonstration of my use of HRD and Logbook, during an FT8 QSO,today.

As some of you know, I have had some differences of opinion regarding the selection of frequencies chosen by the FT8 creators and advocates. Regardless, I do still use the mode. Here is proof:

Go ahead and share, if you would. And, please subscribe to my YouTube channel, as I will be creating many how-to videos in the near future.

Thanks and 73 … de NW7US

Opinions About ARRL Petition to FCC: Expand Technician HF Privileges!

In this video, I expound on another point of view regarding the ARRL petition to the FCC. The petition requests an expansion of operating privileges of Technician-class operators in the USA. The ARRL believes that giving broader shortwave access, using digital communications, to Technicians, will better entice the Techs to upgrade to General or Amateur Extra. In this video, I discuss this a bit.

If you are wondering why I’ve made a few videos about this topic, when the topic has been the hot item on many forums already, I believe that the drama will not cease until well after the FCC makes a decision, because this is a relevant topic, and one that has a significant impact on the amateur radio community at large. It is not a trivial conversation about which type of coax is best suited for Arctic field activity.

After some replies came from various viewers, I clarify my point. I stand corrected.

I failed to mention that there are a limited few slices of VOICE (SSB) spectrum on HF that the petition seeks for the Tech licensee. The ARRL states, “ARRL has asked the FCC to expand HF privileges for Technician licensees to include limited phone privileges on 75, 40, and 15 meters, plus RTTY and digital mode privileges on 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters.”

More specifically, “ARRL proposes to provide Technician licensees, present and future, with phone privileges at 3.900 to 4.000 MHz, 7.225 to 7.300 MHz, and 21.350 to 21.450 MHz, plus RTTY and digital privileges in current Technician allocations on 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters. The ARRL petition points out the explosion in popularity of various digital modes over the past 2 decades. Under the ARRL plan, the maximum HF power level for Technician operators would remain at 200 W PEP. The few remaining Novice licensees would gain no new privileges under the League’s proposal.” Reference:

My point holds: give some reason to desire to upgrade to a higher class. Do this by granting HF operations on lower bands (lower in frequency than 10 Meters), with more than a CW-only privilege.

If a tech can only use CW on 80m, but doesn’t know CW, then it is likely she won’t ever try making contacts on 80m. Hence, no exposure to the magic of 80-meter DX. If, however, the Tech can dabble with digital or limited SSB, on 80m, then she gets a real, practical exposure to the magic, and may well upgrade. Why do you think a General, who has limits, would ever upgrade? What am I missing here?

The following video expands this idea:

The truth is, I see a strong argument for just ONE license, permanent. Or a temporary entry-level training ticket, then the permanent. But, that would make us like some other countries. That can’t be good.

The original video to which this new video continues is here:

Some viewers are asking me why I am making a video while driving. They try to convince me that talking while driving is too distracting. My answer is here:

73 de NW7US

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 199

Hams pitch in to help as “Hat Trick” of major storms hit Northeast
WX1BOX volunteers were active for 17 hours straight, and afterward, some continued to monitor high tides and strong winds, which persisted into the weekend. The volunteers handled more than 1,000 reports of wind damage.

Azimuthal map
Azimuthal map with DX spot reporting.

Understanding AGM batteries
Often forgotten in the mix is absorbed glass mat (AGM) batteries. They’re very adaptable for off grid use and have a lot of overlooked advantages.
Off Grid Ham

Building a filtered amplified Coketenna for ADS-B
Combine a proven, easy-to-do concept, the Coketanna, with the best performance RTL-SDR dongle for ADS-B and a filtered low-noise amplifier for great and affordable receive performance.
Radio for Everyone

Live trees affect antenna performance
Living wood absorbs EMF from vertically polarized antennas.

Which two-way radio service is right for you?
Choosing the right two-way radio can be confusing. You can’t just buy a couple of radios and start talking on them. Most two-way radio services require licensing of some sort, and radios designed to be used in those radio services must be certified by the FCC.

SpaceX launch punched huge, temporary hole in the ionosphere
Rocket launches act somewhat like a small volcano eruption.
Ars Technica

Shortwave supports secure digital communications
Taking advantage of its long-distance capabilities, the established technology has a new mission.
Radio World

China establishes single broadcaster, ‘Voice of China’
Voice of China, as the new outlet will be known internationally, will be formed by combining three mammoth state-run national networks.


Women’s History Month
Women scientists that have made radio history.

Mount Juliet Simplex Society
The Mount Juliet simplex net registers 20+ check-ins per net. Ham Nation interviews the founder of this ARRL affiliated club.
Ham Nation

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 198

2 meter vertical dipole build
This antenna offers an air choke to keep stray RF from wondering back into the shack, since I’m pushing 65 watts.

A simple field strength meter
A simple FS meter is the simplest thing to make and is good enough to see if the antenna under test is radiating more power than your old ground plane, old mobile vertical or just radiating at all in a particular direction or in all directions.
Surrey Amateur Radio Club

APRS beacon with Uputronics GPS Board and a Raspberry Pi 3
This is a detailed, step-by-step guide to using an Uputronics GPS board as the main component of a Pi based APRS position beacon.

FCC accuses stealthy startup of launching rogue satellites
The U.S. communications agency says tiny Internet of Things satellites from Swarm Technologies could endanger other spacecraft.

The grand G3YUH Morse Key Project
How to build an excellent key for very little cost and with no special tools.

Power supply restoration
I wasn’t sure if the transformers or caps were shot, but I liked the look of it and figured it would make a cool enclosure for something else if I couldn’t get it working.

Tennessee middle school students will send a CubeSat into space
NASA has informed Robertsville Middle School in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, that its “RamSat” 2U CubeSat proposal has been accepted for participation in NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative.

DMR/FM VHF/UHF mobile installation
The VHF transceiver is a Hytera MD-652, and the UHF transceiver in a handheld PD782G using a Hytera car kit docking station combined with a 5W IN – 40W OUT DMR compatible UHF amplifier.


Video captured inside the Woodpecker’s operations facility
The top secret military base hidden in Chernobyl’s exclusion zone.

Overview of the LNR W4OP Loop
Overview and field trial of the LNR Precision W4OP loop antenna.

The story of radio broadcasting
1944 Westinghouse Radio Stations, Inc.

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 197

The HF Voyager Project
Jupiter Research Foundation Amateur Radio Club has integrated an HF transceiver with an autonomous ocean-going drone. Our mission is to deploy a ham radio station that roams the world’s oceans while providing an opportunity for amateur radio operators everywhere to make contacts with rare locations.

ARRL repurposes AM broadcast transmitter for Ham Radio use
Thanks to a joint effort by ARRL and the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut (VRCMCT), a classic Gates BC-1T AM broadcast transmitter will enjoy a second life on the Amateur Radio bands for occasional use under W1AW.

Alexa Skill: Band conditions
This skill uses the information from and can help Amateur Radio operators quickly get information about current band conditions on a scale from “dead” to “great.”

How to make a MMDVM Digital Repeater
After following this article you will be able to put together a multimode amateur digital repeater that can be connected to the internet for world wide digital communication.
San Antonio Digital Radio Club

The Army’s costly quest for the perfect radio continues
The decisions that the Department of Defense made about its “radios of the future” more than 20 years ago are still having an impact on the communications gear the military services purchase today.
Ars Technica

Will the FCC sink pirate radio in Colorado?
Word spread quickly about the mysterious unmarked black SUV parked at a highway exit just outside the town of Ward, CO.

Valerie, NV9L, is Amateur of the Year
Hotzfeld is a co-host of the netcast Ham Nation and has created several how-to videos on YouTube for the ham radio community.

The QCX 5W CW Transceiver from QRP Labs
The board is top quality, and comes with the two SMT devices already soldered on. They are the Si5351, which is the heart of the synthesized VFO, and the FST3253, which is used for the quadrature sampling detector. Inside the red packing is the LCD module.

Solar power in a can
Already designed to resist the elements, [bennelson] is using a 50cal. ammo can for a portable enclosure. Inside, he’s siliconed a 15AH, 12V lead-acid battery in the centre to maintain balance and to leave room for the wiring and storage.
Hack A Day

Veteran long distance walker to use 2m on his latest 900 mile walk
Fifty-nine year old Paul Truswell, M3WHO, of Macclesfield, Cheshire, will shortly be starting a 900-mile walk south to north across Great Britain.


Ham radio helps WA9SZL find his voice
Johnnie Mayfield began using ham radio when he was young, and the hobby has helped in real emergencies, including the time he spent days relaying information during a blizzard.

What? ARRL Petitions FCC to Expand Privileges of Technician-Class Amateur Radio Operators

I have my opinion on ARRL asking FCC to grant more HF privileges to Technician-class licensees.

I verbalize them in this video:

After you hear my comments, please leave your comments.

Thanks, 73 de NW7US dit dit

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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