Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Early Fall QRP on the Pemigewasset

There is a certain fragrance. The colors are shifting. The air is still except for the sound of crickets. It’s early fall on the Pemi. I stop at a bend in the dirt road and check out the giant pine tree for antenna possibilities.

I toss a line over an arching branch and pull up my 33 foot wire. I set up the KX3 on 20 meters. Now the sound of Morse mingles with the sound of crickets. Stations from Washington operating in the Salmon Run event are calling CQ.

I work six stations in a row and then switch to 30 meters. I call Jerry WA4FQN in TN. He gives me a 559 signal report and we chat for a while. Here’s my log:

17 Sep-17 1908 14.045 W7LKG CW 599 599 WA
17 Sep-17 1910 14.045 K7GS CW 599 599 WA
17 Sep-17 1911 14.052 N7KE CW 599 599 WA
17 Sep-17 1912 14.047 W7VXS CW 599 599 WA
17 Sep-17 1913 14.047 WC7Q CW 599 599 WA
17 Sep-17 1927 14.041 K7RI CW 599 599 WA
17 Sep-17 1928 10.121 WA4FQN CW 559 599 TN Jerry

You cannot imagine how precious these days are. They are the fleeting days of warm weather in New Hampshire. The hills and valleys soon turn to gold and orange and red. We are in a twilight zone before the cold of winter. The world is ours…. for a while.

FCC Opens 630/2200 Meters Amateur Band; Pre-Registration Required!



The FCC has authorized amateur radio use of the 630 and 2200-meter bands, effective October 16, 2017, providing registration procedures have been followed and no objections are received within 30 days.

The PLC (Power Line Communications) database is live and hams may begin registering immediately. They may begin operating on 472 kHz (630 meters) and 137 kHz (2200 meters) as early as October 16 if they register today and receive no objection in the next 30 days. Hams may not operate on the bands without going through this process.

Please fill out the UPC Form, today, to register your station, even if you don’t have any plans on transmitting on these new bands.

It is imperative that all amateurs register, even if they don’t plan to use these bands in the near future, as the FCC rules prohibit UTC (the Utilities Technology Council) from deploying PLC in these bands closer than one (1) kilometer from registered stations. Registration now will protect your ability to use our new MF/LF bands in the future.

News report link.

Scouting Jamboree on the Air

This past Thursday(well it was released last Thursday anyway), I had the privaledge of talking with Bill Stearns, NE4RD, about the Jamboree On The Air/Jamboree On The Internet (JOTA/JOTI) that is coming up next month.

If you don’t know what JOTA/JOTI is, it is an annual event put on by the Boy Scouts of America in the month of October. It allows scouts from around the world to get on the radio and talk to other scouts from all over the globe, propagation permitting of course.

To learn more, check out my episode this week at

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 173

I downloaded an app. And suddenly, was part of the Cajun Navy.
After two minutes of training, I was talking to people desperate for help.
Houston Chronicle

How often are you on the air?
Heatmap shows the activity as reported by the Reverse Beacon Network (CW/digital modes) over the last 12 months.

FCC opens 630 and 2200 meter bands
Before using either band, stations must notify the Utilities Technology Council (UTC) that they plan to do so.

Cyber threats prompt return of radio for ship navigation
The risk of cyber attacks targeting ships’ satellite navigation is pushing nations to delve back through history and develop back-up systems with roots in World War Two radio technology.

Homebrew J-Pole Antenna for GPS
The antenna is soldered directly to two terminals of an SMA connector. This is a through-hole PCB connector, which has 5 terminals (5 for ground and 1 for the center conductor).
Eclectic Technical Experiences

Options when cell service dies in a disaster
Zello, Ham Radio, Iridum, more…

When will Voyager stop calling home?
The twin spacecraft still send data back to the planet they left 40 years ago.
The Atlantic

LOTW rant
I found a 14-step process, written in that cryptic LOTW instructional style the ARRL is so fond of.

Wi-Fi soundscape
The implementation sends MIDI notes to Garageband, where it can play various synths.
Carriers Everywhere


Icom IC-7300 easy transmit settings for digital operation
This is for Hams new to digital operation or the Icom IC-7300.

TX Factor Episode 18 Launches Today

In This show we experience what it’s like to be young again with a visit to this Year’s YOTA activity week at Gilwell Park in London. Bob and Pete meet the team behind the event and chat to the young people attending from 15 countries that made this year’s event so successful.

We tempt you with not one but two prizes in our next free-to-enter draw. There’s a copy of the 2018 RSGB Year Book and a Surecom SF-401 Plus Hand-held Frequency Counter from ML&S to win. Good luck!

And, if you’ve ever fancied a go at moon bounce or EME, then see how Bob and a team of amateurs get on when they’re let loose on a 32 metre dish at Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall.

Happy viewing!

TX Factor Team

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 172

This weekend: September VHF contest
Objective: For amateurs in the US and Canada (and their possessions) to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degrees x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz.

The Hurricane Watch Net
The Hurricane Watch Net is a group of licensed Amateur Radio Operators, trained and organized to provide essential communications support to the National Hurricane Center during times of Hurricane emergencies.
Hurricane Watch Net

Tips for communicating after a disaster
Tips from a Ham Radio operator for communicating after a disaster if all you have is a cell phone.

Mom uses Ham Radio to find missing son in wake of Harvey
An Illinois woman used an old-fashioned way to communicate with her son, who was missing after Harvey wreaked havoc on Texas.

New version of WSJT-X includes FT8 changes
North American VHF Contesting Mode has been expanded to include both FT8 and MSK144 modes.

Eclipse 2017 shortwave propagation observations
Going into this experiment I suspected that since the eclipse should temporarily reduce ionization to D-layer of the ionosphere, there might be some reduction in corresponding typical D-layer daytime absorption on lower frequencies.
The SWLing Post

New ICOM IC-9700 revealed at the Tokyo Ham Fair
Just revealed at the Tokyo Ham Fair 2017 is a new ICOM IC-9700 SDR 144/440/1296 all mode rig.

Teleflix: Morse interface for Netflix
Decode the tapped Morse code, have the Pi present itself as a USB Keyboard, and fire the decoded letters at a retail PS4 running a custom version of the Netflix UI.
Blog of Some Guy

Up close with the Russian Woodpecker
A Soviet engineering and scientific feat of its time, the Russian Woodpecker was an over-the-horizon radar system designed to provide early detection of an intercontinental ballistic missile attack.

Smoky Mountain Summits On The Air
We are using VHF/UHF for SOTA activations and opted for a basic FM station for this trip: a pair of Yaesu FT-1D handhelds, a couple of vertical antennas and a 3-element Arrow yagi antenna for 2 meters.


Tennessee Hams welcome new Techs to the hobby
Wonderful welcome messages in person and on the air for all the recently licensed Hams.

How to decode Weather Fax on shortwave using FLDIGI
How to decode NOAA HF fax transmissions using FLDIGI.

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 171

Longest distance Amateur 3.4 GHz contact via Moon
Matthew Cosby and Noel Matthews (G8GTZ) talk about massive dishes, Moon bounces and making a world record.

Charging a laptop from 12V
I’m charging a little HP laptop which takes 19.5V so the converter is set to that and all boxed up nicely.
marxy’s musing on technology

Maritime mobile operation on LF may be a first for Amateur Radio
What began as a “let’s-see-if-we-can-do-this” effort resulted in successful Amateur Radio contacts on 475 kHz.

Ofcom takes action against repeater abuse
Ofcom has mandated that GB3DY at Wirksworth and GB3EE at Chesterfield go silent for 14 days.
Essex Ham

Fine tuning noise floor testing methodology
Hot vs cold assumption: A colder dongle has a lower noise floor.
Radio for Everyone

RadioShack dealers unleashed by latest bankruptcy
The future is bright for franchisees, a Wisconsin dealer says.

Recognize your Elmer
ARRL’s Elmer Award and mentor program.

Waterfalls from the eclipse
You can see waterfalls for the 3 bands. They use the same scaling, with a dynamic range of 50dB, so it is easy to see how the noise floor changes per band.
Daniel Estévez

Worked All Europe from a train station
I tossed a half wave wire over a maple tree on the hill overlooking the old station. There was a picnic table directly underneath. I used the KX3 on 20 meters.


Overcoming mic fright and making your first radio contact on the air
A few tips to encourage those that might be suffering from an easily curable ailment called ‘mic fright.’

Mobile antenna setup
Mobile in the car with a Chameleon Antenna.

CRT Cataract Repair
A tutorial on removing CRT cataracts from old screens.
John Sutley

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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