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The Spectrum Monitor — June, 2017

Stories you’ll find in our June, 2017 issue:

TSM Reviews: Yaesu FTM-100 DR: Amateur Friendly Digital Operating
By Mark Haverstock K8MSH

In 2013, Yaesu developed System Fusion, a format that retains backwards compatibility for analog along with FDMA-based digital communications. With the FTM-100DR, Yaesu has managed to create an affordable radio that integrates both analog FM and their C4FM digital modes into one package that accommodates digital users, while still keeping the analog FM crowd connected.

Early Radio Broadcasting: Publicity Stunts and Unusual Broadcasts
By John Schneider W9FGH

In the early years of radio, broadcasters were eager to explore the frontiers of the medium and found themselves in a continual series of “radio firsts,” similar to modern attempts to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records. To attract listeners, early stations sought new ways to make “radio history” by transmitting something that had never been heard before—weddings, broadcasts at sea, in the air, even under the water. In many cases such broadcasts served no purpose but to entertain and fascinate.

Using Weak Signals Software to Reach for the Sky
By Robert Gulley AK3Q

Many have no doubt heard of renowned physicist Joe Taylor K1JT, or at least JT65 or JT9 software. But weak signal mode software has progressed leaps and bounds since the introduction of these modes only a few short years ago, thanks in part to some great contributions from people around the world. The WSJT-X suite of software represents the outgrowth of these modes, and its latest incarnation, v. 1.70, has added even greater capabilities.

FCC Rewrites some Rules for CB/FRS/GMRS/MURS and Amateur Radio
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

The FCC has recently released its Report and Order (R&O) regarding amendments to Parts 2, 15, 80, 90, 97 and 101 of the Commissions rules concerning, in part, CB, FRS/GMRS and amateur radio. We take a look at how these rules might affect your operating (spoiler alert: there’s still no sound effects or music allowed on CB!).

TV Band Re-packing Report: New Channel Assignments by TV Market
By Mike Kohl

Information has continued to be released by the FCC on the repacking of TV channel frequencies across the US. This has given Mike the opportunity to create some listings by TV market on what the local spectrum should look like at the end of the process. In this installment, TV markets are listed starting with the largest number of viewers in each market. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago top the listings, and this month we cover from Market #1 to #57 (Richmond, Virginia).

Scanning America
By Dan Veeneman
Details on Whistler’s Legacy Scanner Upgrade Offer

Federal Wavelengths
By Chris Parris
Federal Use of Wireless VoIP

Utility Planet
By Hugh Stegman
Historic NSS Call Sign Returns to the Air

Shortwave Utility Logs
By Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz

Digitally Speaking
By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV
The DV Landscape in Xenia, Ohio

VHF and Above
By Joe Lynch N6CL
TW Antennas and 6-Meters: Part Two

Amateur Radio Insights
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
Six-Meter Success: You Don’t Need Much!

Radio 101
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
Over-the-Top and Cord-Cutting: Part 2

Radio Propagation
By Tomas Hood NW7US
Summer Tropospheric Propagation and VHF DX

World of Shortwave Listening
By Andrew Yoder
Pirate Shortwave Radio Mysteries

The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
Changes in International Shortwave Broadcasting

Amateur Radio Satellites
By Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF
Portable Amateur Radio Satellite Antennas in Action

The Longwave Zone
By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
Next Up: 2200-Meters

Adventures in Radio Restoration
By Rich Post KB8TAD
Restoring a Heathkit DX-60 Transmitter

Antenna Connections
By Dan Farber AC0LW
Closer to Daylight: Antennas at VHF and UHF

The Spectrum Monitor is available in PDF format which can be read on any desktop, laptop, iPad®, Kindle® Fire, or other device capable of opening a PDF file. Annual subscription is $24. Individual monthly issues are available for $3 each.

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 158

Hamvention 2017 Review & Interviews [podcast]
A new look with a familiar feel in an all new Venue… and it was really a good day!
HamRadio 360

2017 Hamvention Report
The short story is that we had a blast and the new location is an improvement over Hara.

Reflections on Hamvention 2017
I cannot overstate how little I miss the nasty old Hara. Though I knew where things were and like an old pair of shoes, there was a certain comfort in familiarity… the place simply sucked.

2017 Hamvention photos: Inside Exhibits
The following photos were taken in the main Hamvention buildings at the Greene County Fairgrounds.
The SWLing Post

2017 Hamvention photos: Flea Market
I’ve posted well over one hundred photos I took at the Hamvention Flea Market.
The SWLing Post

MFJ-1026 Noise Canceller tests
Mark, VA7MM, has been testing out his newly-acquired MFJ-1026 Noise Canceller and has provided several videos of the noise canceller in action.

How to play chess on CW
You can use chess notation to send moves and play chess games on the radio. The CARI group often met on the air to play informal games and tournaments.

The portable solar power station: You CAN have it both ways (sort of)
Many hams would like to have it both ways: Powerful enough to do something besides charge batteries or push a QRP radio while compact and light enough to hit the road.
Off Grid Ham


Icom IC-7610 preview at Hamvention
This radio has 2 receivers, the equivalent of two IC-7300.

Flex-6600M preview at Hamvention
Here’s a preview of the Flex-6600M. (M stands for Maestro, with display.)

Six meter ham radio dipole for the VHF contests
Get on the 6m magic band during the second weekend of every June for the North American VHF contest.

Digital Trunked Scanning Using SDR
Cheap, digital trunked scanning using RTL-SDR for the absolute beginner.

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 157

Flex Radio announces New Flex-6400, Flex-6600
“M” versions include a large touchscreen and physical knobs on the face of the unit.
Flex Radio

2017 Hamvention: setup day photos
Since the Greene County Fairgrounds lack the number of indoor exhibitor space, they are using large white event tents to add covered square footage.
The SWLing Post

Updated band chart available from ARRL
ARRL has revised and updated its “US Amateur Radio Bands” charts, and these now are available for download.

JT-Mapper: Real-time JT65 and JT9 Maps
I’ve found myself constantly looking up grid squares while trying to get a sense of the band’s propagation. With all this information already in my computer, I decided that my computer could do more to visualize my radio environment.

Meteor Detector for HDSDR
Analyse the automatic real time waterfalls from HDSDR to locate meteor scatter.

Contemplating remote ops
The city council decision to deny my request for ANY antenna has stood and I think I’ve given up pursuing any kind of external antenna at the current QTH.

All Amateur satellites
A comprehensive list of all Amateur Radio satellites including modes and frequencies.

FreeDV 700D – First Over The Air Tests
I’m impressed! Conditions were pretty bad on 40m, the band was “closed”. This is day 1 of FreeDV 700D. It will improve from here.

Portable HF operations
With everything ready to go, I turned on the transceiver to find the bands alive with good strong signals being received on 20 meters from across the US as well as further south into Mexico and South America.
Jerry’s Journal


Review: Military 2.0 Multiband Tuner Free HF Alpha Antenna
The antenna covers the 80-10 meter Bands.
Videos by Mike

My first Summits on the Air Activation
Activating Shovel Mountain, located in Central Texas, USA, W5T-NT033.

TX Factor’s Next Show is Now Live

The late-spring episode of TX Factor has arrived! In episode 16 our new team member, Pete Sipple M0PSX, looks forward to Youngsters On The Air 2017 and chats to some key players at this Summer’s YOTA UK event.

Pete also finds time to take an eager look at the new dual-band handie offering from Kenwood – the TH-D74E with D-STAR.

Bob chats to our friend Bob Inderbitzen from the ARRL about the League’s worldwide presence and Mike investigates two clever devices from SOTABeams that will help to improve the filtering of your FT-817 and check the efficiency of your HF antenna respectively.

Why not take your mind off the UK general election campaign for an hour and enjoy our latest show? It’s on the air now and it’s FREE with no hidden taxes!!

Hamvention 2017 Live Coverage

9:15 – 10:50 TAPR Forum
10:30 – 11:30 Instructor’s Forum
Noon – 1:00 D-Star Forum
1:00 – 2:15 Techniques of Best Operators Forum
2:30 – 5:00 Antenna Forum

9:15 – Noon Youth Forum
10:45 – 12:15 AMSAT Forum
1:30 – 2:30 MESH Forum
2:15 – 3:30 System Fusion Forum
3:30 – 5:00 DX Forum

9:15 – 10:15 West Mountain Radio Forum
10:30 – 11:30 Tower Safety Forum

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 156

FCC changes will affect GMRS, FRS, CB, other Part 95 devices
DXing on Citizens Band will become legal.

Man fined $500 for writing ‘I Am An Engineer’ in email to government
An electronics engineer says he found a flaw in traffic lights. The Oregon engineering board fined him for it.

Heads up: An invasion is coming
Yep, thousands of Hams are expected to converge on our county fairgrounds for a three day event known as the ‘Hamvention.”
Fairborn Daily Herald

Enable a key to be used as mouse input via USB.

Requiem For Radio project
Artist Amanda Dawn Christie has brought back to life the sounds of the 13 CBC Radio-Canada International shortwave towers that once stood in Sackville, N.B.

How to broadcast color PAL and NTSC television with an SDR
This project describes my approach and success in transmitting an analog color TV image via a HackRF One.

VHF SOTA Expedition in the Snowdonia National Park
I stayed a total of 8 days and activated 11 summits.
Adventures in Ham Radio

The Cricket: The Four State QRP Group’s latest transceiver kit
The Cricket is a low cost entry level minimalist CW transceiver for the 80 meter band.
The SWL Post

Contesting in Hawaii – H2O versus your antennas
The elements always win…meaning water. Well, the Sun plays a role as does wind. Nothing like the repeated pounding that trade winds do to break or loosen something.
ARRL and Ham Radio in Hawaii


MFJ-269C testing coax cable faults and length
The MFJ-269C is so much more than an SWR analyzer.
Ham Radio Concepts

Ham Radio Headset Shootout: Budget vs. High-End
Discussing two very popular headsets in the Amateur Radio community in this video.

The Spectrum Monitor — May, 2017

Stories you’ll find in our May, 2017 issue:

TSM Reviews: QRP Labs Ultimate 3S Transmitter Kit
By Mark Haverstock K8MSH

It’s the old radio conundrum: Is the band dead or is it that no one is listening? This month Mark looks at a beacon transmitter kit that lets you see just how active the band really is. The QRP Labs Ultimate 3S transmitter uses Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) Frequency Shift-Keying (FSK) transmissions in beacon mode that can be received by receivers around the world set up to send back reports on a central reporting site on the Web. Mark puts this kit through its paces.

Tuning Out? History and Legacy of Longwave Broadcasting in Europe
By Georg Wiessala
Longwave broadcasting seems to be a relic from radio’s infancy. While its future is uncertain, during an era of Internet streaming and satellite beaming, it continues to hang on. Georg examines the history of longwave and explains why countries “disinvesting in AM broadcast radio make a shortsighted decision—losing an important channel for media diplomacy and international communications abroad.”

TSM Reviews: DX Engineering HF Portable TW Antennas
By Joe Lynch N6CL
TSM VHF and Above columnist, Joe Lynch N6CL, lives in a very restrictive neighborhood but, as an active ham on HF, that’s not deterred him from enjoying the radio hobby to its fullest. Joe wanted to see how well DX Engineering’s DXE-TW-2010-P 20 through 10 meters portable antenna would work—given his QTH. Find out why he says these antennas are, “worth the cost, considering the practicality they provide.”
DRM—Digital Radio Mondiale Spectrum within a Spectrum
By John Piliounis SV1OCS
Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) has been around since 1998 and has slowly found acceptance on HF as well as the FM band. But, the lack of affordable, capable receivers has hampered its success. John Piliounis takes a look at the technical side of this open-sourced, international digital radio format that can coexist with analog signals broadcast from the same tower.

Results of FCC Incentive Auction and Repacking of US TV Spectrum
By Mike Kohl
The results are in from the FCC’s massive TV band incentive auction and now the 39-month process begins in which some stations will go off the air; others will go off the air but join another station in the market to show up on a sub-channel, while others will move from UHF to VHF TV band. Mike explains it all.

Scanning America
By Dan Veeneman
Charlotte County (FL) and Dallas County (IA)

Federal Wavelengths
By Chris Parris
Shifts in Federal Trunked Radio Systems

Utility Planet
By Hugh Stegman
New Insights into North Korean “Numbers”

Shortwave Utility Logs
By Hugh Stegman and Mike Chace-Ortiz

Digitally Speaking
By Cory GB Sickles WA3UVV
Feeling Like a Kid Again

VHF and Above
By Joe Lynch N6CL
Kenwood’s New TH-D74

Amateur Radio Insights
By Kirk Kleinschmidt NT0Z
The Truth about Lightning: Most of us are Unprepared!

Radio 101
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR
Cord-Cutting Update: Options for you FTA Satellite and OTA-TV Systems

Radio Propagation
By Tomas Hood NW7US
Setting it Straight…

World of Shortwave Listening
By Jeff White
The Shortwave Scene in the Middle East

The Shortwave Listener
By Fred Waterer
Korea (North and South) on SW; New BBC Programming

Amateur Radio Astronomy
By Stan Nelson KB5VL
1420 MHz Band Interference

The Longwave Zone
By Kevin O’Hern Carey WB2QMY
Introducing a New Band: 630 Meters!

Adventures in Radio Restoration
By Rich Post KB8TAD
Philco 48-360: Last of the “Woody” Portables

Antenna Connections
By Dan Farber AC0LW
Balanced Feedline: Ace in the Hole

The Spectrum Monitor is available in PDF format which can be read on any desktop, laptop, iPad®, Kindle® Fire, or other device capable of opening a PDF file. Annual subscription is $24. Individual monthly issues are available for $3 each.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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