Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Amateur radio below 9kHz

Until a few years ago, the conventional wisdom was that you needed huge power and huge antennas to be copied “beyond the garden fence” at VLF and ULF. In recent years much has changed and time and again great distances have been covered by amateurs with quite low power and modest antennas.

The trick is great stability, very narrow bandwidths and long integration times, often of days. For several years just detecting a carrier was enough, but in recent times people have been sending simple messages using EbNaut software.

When at the old QTH I detected signals from several European countries using simple, homemade gear and free software.

Although not totally up to date at all times, I try to update news of amateur VLF and ULF experiments at .

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 147

Icom previews details of ID-4100E D-STAR VHF/UHF mobile radio
The Callsign routing terminal mode feature will allow each radio to be connected like an access point to the worldwide D-STAR repeater network through the internet.

Radio News Magazine archive
Every issue from 1919 to 1959.
American Radio History

How-to: Icom External Keypad
A short press on the M1 to M4 button triggers a single voice keyer send, whereas hold the M1 to M4 button for a second enables auto repeating of sending voice keyer memories.

End Fed Antennas – Where’s the other half?
My favorite tends to be the classic ‘Sloper’ with the feed point located on the ground.

International Radio Network
The IRN (International Radio Network) is a VoIP/RoIP system using Teamspeak 3 (TS3) that allows licensed radio users to talk around the World.
International Radio Network

WSPR Antenna Comparison (Loop vs Dipole vs End Fed)
I did 24 hour WSPR runs using 5 watts of power with each antenna on successive days.
High on Solder

Universal Radio Hacker: investigate wireless protocols like a boss
The Universal Radio Hacker is software for investigating unknown wireless protocols.
Johannes Pohl

Open-air wireless charging
Disney Research has invented a new method of wirelessly charging mobile devices that could someday allow amusement park patrons to walk about freely while also getting their mobile devices charged.
Computer World


Assembling the BITX-40
BITX-40, a QRP, SSB, 10 watt, kit.

Visualising shortwave band activity throughout the year
An animation of 24-hour shortwave spectrum plots from Twente WebSDR.
London Shortwave

18 QSOs during Ski Outing

Judy and I went cross-country skiing down at the Pemigewasset River near Profile Falls. I brought the KX3 and made 18 QSOs (in the CWT sprint) including France, Italy and Germany. It was a bit over 50F.

What a fantastic day to be out. We went east from the road about a half a mile toward the river. Here it opens up into a large field. At the far edge are some picnic tables and the river.

I tossed my 30 foot wire over a pine branch and pulled the wire up over the picnic table. In the sun, it must have been over 70F, because I took off my coat and gloves and I was still hot.

I started out on 20 meters. The CWT sprint had been running for a half hour. Except for the sprint, the band seemed dead. I had no trouble making contacts. After making a dozen contacts on 20 meters, I switched to 40 meters and made another six. Here’s my log. I’ve changed the format to reflect a more normal log rather than using the CWT exchange format.

22 Feb-17 1930 14.026 N5ZO CW 599 599 CA Marko
22 Feb-17 1932 14.027 K0AD CW 599 599 MN Al
22 Feb-17 1933 14.035 F6HKA CW 599 599 France Bert
22 Feb-17 1935 14.036 DL2CC CW 599 599 Germany Frank
22 Feb-17 1936 14.040 KM0O CW 599 599 MN Tony
22 Feb-17 1938 14.032 N4ZZ CW 599 599 TN Don
22 Feb-17 1940 14.030 AC4CA CW 599 599 TX John
22 Feb-17 1942 14.029 WJ9B CW 599 599 NC Will
22 Feb-17 1943 14.030 IT9MUO CW 599 599 Italy Alf
22 Feb-17 1944 14.033 N4IQ CW 599 599 SC Bill
22 Feb-17 1947 14.035 K9UIY CW 599 599 Ill Vic
22 Feb-17 1950 7030 NA8V CW 599 599 MI Greg
22 Feb-17 1951 7031 K4HQK CW 599 599 VA John
22 Feb-17 1952 7036 K3WW CW 599 599 PA Chas
22 Feb-17 1953 7037 CG3KI CW 599 599 ON Rich
22 Feb-17 1954 7039 N3RS CW 599 599 PA Sig
22 Feb-17 1956 7039 VE3KP CW 599 599 ON Ken
22 Feb-17 1957 14.035 K4BAI CW 599 599 GA John

With this I packed up and headed back to the car. It’s been a long winter with plenty of snow during the last month. What a thrill to be outdoors again with a rig.

Pre-production X5105 SSB Test at 5 watts


Worked David W5WAZ on 14.300 today just after 1600z. Took a bit for him to hear me in his noise, but he got me and we had a qso after that. Used the MFJ whip and counterpoise facing south direction.

This is a pre-production model and we are awaiting new firmware to be able to update some of the many issues with it. The radio charges the internal battery from any external 12v power source so no special adapter is required. I will continue to review and post as this unit progresses further.

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 146

Amateur Radio Satellite Nayif-1 launched
Just like FUNcube-1, this mode has the spacecraft sending high power telemetry when in sunlight and with the SSB/CW transponder active when in eclipse.

Hamcation Recap
Hamcation is a great Hamfest. It’s huge, spread out, and located in the one place where the weather is actually amazing – Orlando. It’s sunny, 75 degrees, and I’m pretty sure I’m sunburnt. I forgot that this kind of weather exists.

DMR Hotspot from SharkRF
The first thing I noticed when listening to some of the more active talk groups is that it seems like every person getting on the system said “I just got this Tytera MD-380 radio and you are my first DMR contact.”

Decibel hell – the reign of antenna gain pain
Let’s step our way though the topic and see what we can learn from the pros.
Ham Radio . Magnum Experimentum

FreeDV 700C
The US test team report 700C contacts over 2500km at SNRs down to -2dB, in conditions where SSB cannot be heard.

W8SRC repeater IDs are distinctive… to say the least
If you want to get a little more professional with your repeater ID, just ask.

PicSafari: QRZ Ham Radio Image Library
QRZ has the world’s largest collection of amateur radio related images.

Alaska’s HAARP facility once again open for business
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska, will soon undertake its first scientific research campaigns since the facility was taken over by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.


2 Meter tape measure beam antenna
The 2 Meter band tape measure beam antenna is a 3 element Yagi with about 7.2 db of forward gain.

Setup Icom 7300 on iMac with RUMLogNG
This is for beginners and I’m a beginner on the Mac, but it proved to be simple.

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 145

ARRL seeks opinions concerning possible new entry level license
An Entry Level License Committee was established by the ARRL Board of Directors and appointed in September 2016.

ISS SSTV active February 13th and 14th
The SSTV images will be transmitted as part of the MAI-75 Experiment on 145.800 MHz FM using the Kenwood TM-D710 transceiver located in the Russian ISS Service module.

The “Slick Six” 6 Meter Horizontal Dipole
This antenna is easy to adjust and can take any of the weather Texas can dish out.

‘Mysterious foghorn’ in Ham Radio bands
Observed on 7, 10 and 14 MHz, this is a Chinese OTH radar.

Adding 160 meters to a Hustler 6BTV
I have never been able to transmit on the 160 meter band. As I hear it, it’s referenced as the “Gentleman’s Band.”

Baofeng for digital modes
When playing around with wireless mobile traffic lights, I also thought about options to transmit on the VHF and UHF bands.
Carriers Everywhere

Asus takes on Raspberry Pi
32-bit A17 CPU bolstered by fast Mali-T764 GPU, 2GB of RAM, and gigabit Ethernet.
Ars Technica

Easy homemade beginner ADS-B antennas
Easy to build, costs less than $1, no tools or equipment, takes maximum 15 minutes.
Radio for Everyone

ICOM IC-2820 fan mod
The replacement is a Pabst 0412 fan that comes with a 5,25” PC connector. I replaced it with a 1.5mm two pin JST ZH connector.

Another outstanding year for Amateur Radio licensing
New Amateur Radio licenses issued were up by 1% over 2015.


Airborne TV DX Miami to St. Louis flight
Scanning the TV bands from 3, 000 feet – Miami to St. Louis and back with a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-955Q dongle receiver and 3 inch stick antenna.

Russian QRP with a Handcrafted Magnetic Loop

Not so long ago, I discovered a group of people here in Russia, who likes so called “green” radio, i.e. Q-mac, Codan, Barrett, Soviet R-143 and other professional and military transceivers. They prefer work on air outdoors, fleeing from big city’s (and even small village’s) QRM. They are experimenting with extremely short antennas such as 3-meter-whip even at low bands. They have their own frequencies that they call “channels”. For example, channel “5” is 7175 kHz and channel “7” is 14342.5 kHz. They work low power, usually less than 30 Watts, SSB. They shoot video and exchange it via Youtube. They never feel boring of talking to each other repeatedly. They call themselves “manpackers” and call their activities “A man-pack day.”

You can have a look at one of these QSOs, between me and R1BBG/P located about 700 km away in suburbs of Saint-Petersburg, made at “channel five” by means of a handcrafted magnetic loop antenna and QRP rig Yaesu FT-817. 10 Watts and Icom was from his side. The weather was fine, minus 10C only.

These days I contacted these man-pack people several times. I used power of less than 30 Watts and small antennas. I really liked it! Not bad part of hobby somewhere between QRP and QRO. Yes, not truly QRP, but truly fun of the radio!

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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