Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Simple yagi for wi-fi router

This was first seen some weeks ago and I saw it earlier today in an email from Twitter. It shows you how to make a simple add-on yagi for your wi-fi router.

In my case I get sufficient range with the router “as is”. You might find it useful if you need to increase the range in a certain direction. It is a simple idea, which I like.
See .

OFCOM and 5G frequencies

OFCOM has published a paper outlining its proposed 5G frequencies.

VE3FAL WFD 2017 Jan 28-29

Winter Field Day Jan 28-29 2017

Fred Lesnick

Exchange: VE3FAL -10(1 station, outdoors), ONN (Ontario North)

Saturday morning packed the truck with gear and sleigh to pull into my shelter location South of Thunder Bay. This location serves as not only the area I like to hunt, hike and bike, but also my training grounds for Winter Survival as well as a training grounds for the 1st Thunder Scout Explorer Group that I am proud to be part of.

I parked the truck and pulled the sleigh in 2 kms to the location. Opened up the tent and got the fire going straight away inside as well as outside. Morning temperature was nice and the hike was peaceful as well. Scouter James and part of the troop showed up just after 10am where we practiced building and setting primitive traps up as well as relax and enjoy the day. I prepped a spot for my KX2 in the tent and later put the Packtenna EF up in the tree’s with the help of Scouter James. We were ready to roll for the 1900z start of WFD. I opted to operate 40 meters QRP CW only as it was the only band that showed any real activity; the higher bands were very spotty.

Scouter James and I spent the entire night out at the tent while I played off and on in the test. I was able to make 10 completed qso’s (exchanges) and actually beat my score from last year. For me it’s not hardcore, I am just out to play and hone skills both with radio and survival.

I made a short video of the day dedicated to WFD and it can be seen on my YouTube Channel:









73 Fred VE3FAL


Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 144

Winter Field Day this weekend
If you are as serious about emergency communications as we are, we welcome you to join us for our yearly event.

New FCC Chairman praises Parity Act
Newly designated FCC Chairman Ajit Pai praised the House action on H.R. 555 and other telecommunications-related legislation that cleared the chamber.

HamRadio360: All about APRS
APRS, oh the questions you’ve raised!

CIA documents about Ham Radio declassified
The CIA has recently released around 13 million pages of declassified documents. Among these documents is a set of reports on Ham Radio in the former Soviet Union.
Ham Radio Reviews

Making broadcast towers bird-friendly
In 1976 in Gun Lake, Mich., one tower killed more than 2,300 birds in one night.

Mt Herman Winter Activation
We returned to the Most Radio Active Mountain in Colorado, Mount Herman, for a combination VHF contest, SOTA activation and winter hike.

Simple Wi-Fi Yagi
It’s easy to make a small Yagi for a wireless router even if it lacks an antenna connector. The photo shows how I added two parasitic elements to the sleeve dipole of my Netgear WGR614.

Building an ADS-B station
Complete guide to building an ADS-B station: theory, components, maximizing reception performance.
Radio for Everyone

Headset shootout
Headset reviews are about a dime a dozen on the internet. They’re all subjective too. Everyone’s hearing is different. Especially mine!


Winter Field Day: 5 basic winter survival tips
Winter Field Day is an opportunity to test your gear and personal effectiveness in cold weather conditions.

WSJT-X Raspberry Pi split mode
WSJT-X on a Raspberry Pi.

Happy Year of the Rooster

The monkeys are out, the roosters are in. If you are celebrating or not, a happy Chinese New Year to you.

Not much to report from my side. Amateur radio has taken a back seat, partly due to work, partly due to the enormous noise levels that plague me on HF. With the sun not cooperating there is little to be found on the bands, except for way down low. Steve (VE7SL) has promoted NDB DXing more than once here on and I am hooked (again), too. Even with my limited antenna I can pick up new stations every time I turn on my TS-440S. My best DX sofar is an NDB from Indonesia; over 3000 kilometers away. Not bad, but not good enough either. Unfortunately I have many AM stations in the area putting out ghost signals on Long Wave. Dealing with them is a pain, but it’s necessary if I want to join the fun on 630 meters. So far, no luck, but we’ll keep on trying.

TX Factor Episode 14 Is Now Propagating!

Beat the winter blues and enjoy part two of our informative series on HF and VHF propagation. Steve Nichols G0KYA concludes with his explanation on how space weather affects our ability to communicate on the HF bands. Bob parts with some cash at Hamfest and Mike chats to Phil Willis M0PHI and Cathy Clark G1GQJ, two movers and shakers in the world of amateur radio.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 143

Parity Act bill reintroduced in US House of Representatives
The bill’s language is identical to that of the 2015 measure, H.R. 1301, which passed in the House late last summer but failed in the waning days of the US Senate.

Standing desks for Ham shacks?
I’m quickly realizing standing is clearly helpful, because the same problems came up, even though my new chair was more ergonomic.

Ham Radio EMCOMM Go Kit
In order to simplify the cabling between the SignaLink and my laptop I decided to us a powered USB hub and to make the USB hub accessible on the back of the case.
High On Solder

Amateur Radio Club Survey 2017
We’ve just launched our 2017 amateur radio survey to get a snapshot of an aspect of the hobby.
Essex Ham

Ambulances to jam car radios in Sweden
Ambulances in Stockholm are testing a system that interrupts in-car audio systems to warn drivers that they need to get through.
BBC News

Walkie Talkie Duino
An open source wireless shield for Arduino that can send data and audio.

Property owner wants to remove ham radio towers from atop hotel
The property’s new owner wants to take down the repeater site due to what it calls safety and security concerns.

Callsign lookup when portable
QRZ is one of the more popular websites for looking up callsigns but the website is not formatted for use on mobile devices.
Ham Radio QRP

Codec 2 700C
My endeavor to produce a digital voice mode that competes with SSB continues.


Internet over powerline can wipe out the HF band
These devices allow you to use your house power cables as a convenient ethernet connection for sharing the internet. However they are extremely noisy and can wipe out the entire HF band.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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