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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 330

Amateur Radio Weekly

The CME has arrived, and it is a big one
The biggest geomagnetic storm in almost 20 years is underway now. It has reached category G5–an extreme event.

2024 Amateur Radio Software Award announced
OpenWebRX, a project led by Jakob Ketterl DD5JFK, and OpenWebRX+, a project led by Marat Fayzullin KC1TXE, have been selected as the winners.
Amateur Radio Software Award

The Communicator May-June
Articles, projects, profiles, news, tips and how-tos for all levels of the hobby.
Surrey Amateur Radio Communications

First episodes of Prep Comms Podcast
Prep Comms offers real world insight for those in the prepper-sphere regarding communication solutions and best practices.
Ham Radio Network

Allstar Linked Repeaters On The Air
Providing a powerful AllStarLink hub for our Amateur Radio friends to connect each other for nets and emergency communications.

My wish list for a perfect HT
What features would make up a 70cm/2m dual-band handheld radio that leaves nothing to be desired?

Comparing transceivers
A personal journey from Yaesu FT-817 to Elecraft KX2 and beyond.

Newfoundland on QO-100?
Newfoundland is just outside the coverage area of QO-100, the elevation at Signal Hill at St. Johns is -0.9°, however, contacts have been made from Indonesia at an elevation as low as -1.3° so there is a chance of success.

Digital archive of QSL Cards
Setting up QSL galleries on the Internet Archive in order to help preserve radio history.
SWLing Post

Beyond the social: There is room for us all in Amateur Radio
Why are you getting back into Ham Radio? You dont like talking to people.


Unlocking the power of fractal antennas
Diving into the mysterious world of fractals and the Hilberts Curve.

Packet radio BBS node with LinBPQ
After digging into the world of packet radio BBSs over the past few weeks, I’m ready to show you how to setup your own.

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So your a chatty Kathy………..Part 2

In part 2 of CW recipes, we are going to take a peek at conversational CW. QSO CW is like Apple pie for our U.S. friends or Peameal bacon for us Canadians. It has been around for a long time and is a staple of the hobbyWhat are the ingredients for CW conversation......for sure an understanding of the code. Getting your code speed to a comfortable speed but hey with this CW foodie, any speed can bag you a QSO. I  would think this recipe calls for a code speed from 10-15wpm and then the sky is yours if you want. Also comfortable at using a key whatever type you choose to learn on. I would suggest a key as to the PC because with QSO CW the conversation can go in many directions if you let it. A  PC can do the trick but then there are your typing skills you have to brush up on...why not spend the time mastering sending code? This recipe calls for spending some time getting the sound of QTH, RST, TU, 73 and so on. Compared to contesting there are more group sounds you have to become familiar with. As you learn the group sounds then head copying these sounds will kick inSure you can still paper and pencil it for the name, QTH and call sign but head copy of the common QSO items puts you ahead of the game sort of speak Accuracy is always nice but it's like sugar, salt and pepper that can be added later on. During a QSO recipe if you mess something up not a big deal....its a matter of dit dit dit and try it again. Over time the rust will be sanded off and your code will be nice and shiny.  Just like when cooking something from a recipe where you have to taste it now and then, take it out of the oven to check on it or add a little more of something it is the same with QSO CW. You may be able to send very fast....faster than you can copy but remember those who do this can get burned as the person on the other end may come back to you at the same speed and you can heat up and get burned.  Also like cooking things can change and you have to add something. Same with QSO CW understand that conditions can change noise level, fading (QSB) or the other person's code is let's say........sour and hard to copy well you can only do your best with what you have and add the salt of your experience to understand the QSO.  Finally just like in cooking when the timer dings the cooking is done and with QSO CW nothing wrong with hearing the timer and calling the QSO done.  With the QSO recipe getting to a speed of 10-15wpm is good, turn the power of your radio to zero and practice sending with our key, get to know the sound of common QSO terms, and remember that dit dit dit fixes most things. Most of all relax and enjoy as we have all have frozen, got lost in receiving code, messed up sending and wished we could just hit the power switch and walk away. It's all part of getting the right QSO recipe mix.  Here is a good links regarding the basic of a CW contact and making a CW contact

Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 329

Amateur Radio Weekly

A heavy sad heart
MFJ is ceasing its on-site production.
MFJ Enterprises

A QSL card revival for the 21st century
No printing involved. No mailing involved. No cost involved.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Making an AllStarLink node with the URC
The following guide covers the steps to modify the Universal Radio Controller (URC) to use in an AllStarLink node.

A GNU/Linux multimode (analog and digital) SDR (software defined radio) transceiver application using the Internet for radio to VOIP bridging (radio over IP), built on top of GNU radio.

Radio frequency burns, flying a kite, and you
At half the signal’s wavelength, an antenna that long would capture plenty of energy from the nearby broadcast antenna.

DX-peditions collection
The California Historical Radio Society contributed this collection of DX-pedition material to the Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications.

Trying a $15 70cm transceiver
Browsing Amazon I noticed a pair of 446MHz transceivers for $30 and I wondered what you get.
Marxy’s Musing on Technology

How to make emoijis in VarAC
Modify the VarAC.ini file.

Excellent video series on RF amplifier design
A six part video series on how to design an HF 50 watt RF linear amplifier.


Introduction to the Remote Radio Unit
Open source full duplex transceiver with RF isolators.
M17 Project

Watch electricity hit a fork in the road at half a billion frames per second
Measuring a wave of electricity traveling down a wire, and answer the question – how does electricity know where to go?

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 328

Amateur Radio Weekly

April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse QSO Party first results
Over 52.7 million radio communications were observed over the continental United States.

The solar eclipse shifted time signals in the USA
On April 8, 2024, the frequency of WWV shifted.

We need better, more flexible user interfaces
Poorly documented user interfaces are a stumbling block to new Amateur Radio Operators.
Zero Retries

The art of articulation
The IC-705 has a two channel parametric equaliser built into the radio.

N1BSD: My Path to Amateur Extra as a DL Ham
The CEPT agreement only applies if you are there in person.

Getting started with HF digital modes (without breaking the bank)
What follows is a QRP digital modes kit that I’ve experimented with over the last year.

This Apollo-era antenna still talks to Voyager 2
DSS-43 is the only antenna that can communicate with the probe.
IEEE Spectrum

AM radio gets House hearing
Draft Legislation to Preserve Americans’ Access to AM Radio.

Going the extra mile
The Radio Operators who connect all 26.2 miles of the Boston Marathon.
The Huntington News

Amateur Radio saves family in Death Valley National Park
Without access to a cell network, the Ham called for help on the 10-meter band.


CW without Morse Code
T9 method for continuous wave communication. Easier than learning Morse Code.
Ham Radio University

Paperclip CW paddles
Demonstrating my paddles made from three jumbo paperclips, a block of wood, a 3.5mm stereo patch cable and four screws.

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 327

Amateur Radio Weekly

Utah students use Ham Radio to connect with astronaut during eclipse
A Utah school district participated in an international program that helps students connect with astronauts using Amateur Radio.
Desert News

The Zombie Apocalypse
Exploring the feasibility for radio communication during an actual SHTF situation.

USB-C charger for the MD-(UV)380/RT3(S)/GD-77
Using a 2S 2A USB-C charger PCB.

Simple guide to meteor scatter MSK144 contacts
If you are using FT-8 you are already half way there.

International Ham Radio events calendar
Add your event.
QSO Today

Lightning scatter at 144 MHz
Making use of the short scatter signals from lightning strikes.

Building HamClock on an old Raspberry Pi
This is a great addition to any Ham shack.

Comparing prices of two 20AH LiFePO4 batteries: $60 vs. $265
The $60 battery delivers the goods.

Crystal substitute using si5351
An inexpensive substitute for the 1647kHz LSB crystal.
Owen Duffy


A novice’s guide to radio astronomy
SDR all the way.
Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers

DIY spark gap transmitter
Assembly and analysis of a DIY spark gap transmitter.
Baltic Lab

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 326

Amateur Radio Weekly

HamSCI solar eclipse events
Monday: Solar Eclipse QSO Party and Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge.

ROC-HAM Solar Eclipse QSO Party
Monday: W2E special event takes place over HF.

How to DX the 2024 solar eclipse
DXing the mediumwaves promises to be an exciting event on April 8.
SWLing Post

Get involved using LoRa APRS on 433 MHz.

Performance of trees as radio antennas
Conventional whip antennas compared with the performance of Hybrid Electromagnetic Antenna Couplers (HEMAC) in conjunction with jungle trees as antennas.
United States Army Electronics Command

Ham mobile install–A few suggestions for dealing with noise issues
RF signals can emanate from your vehicle ignition system, fuel pump, fans, electric motors, onboard computers, and many other sources.

Spain opens up the 40 MHz (8m) Amateur Radio band
Spain is the first big country to allow Radio Amateurs access to the 8m band.

Eavesdropping on security camera via unintentional RF emissions
Eavesdrop and wirelessly recover images from security cameras via RF unintentionally leaking from the camera electronics.


Icom IC-7300 twins for DX hunting
The poor man’s 7610.

What is the bandwidth of a CW signal?
Morse code signal is primarily dependent upon the keying speed (Words per minute) and the rise/fall time of the RF envelope.

Activating five new POTA parks in a day
Joe and I hit the road to activate five newly added Parks on the Air entities in Central Wisconsin.

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Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 325

Amateur Radio Weekly

The most hackable handheld Ham Radio yet
The UV-K5 can be modded at the click of a mouse.
IEEE Spectrum

Designing a physical satellite tracking widget
Satellite tracking widget in a single small display.

Whats going on with Morse Code?
CW seems to be on the rise within our ranks.

M17 project announces ‘repeater in a box’
M17 aims to provide a comprehensive FM/M17 repeater for remote sites or masts.

Set up your own WIRES-X PDN
Operate a WIRES-X digital node station by directly connecting a compatible C4FM digital transceiver with a Windows PC.

Ham Radio films
Films featuring Ham Radio.

HF APRS with JS8Call
How to configure JS8Call to report your location into the APRS network.
Lonneys Notebook

Welcome500 Network
A friendly, multi-mode digital Amateur Radio network.

HamTV returns to International Space Station
AMSAT expects the equipment to be operating in the coming weeks.
Amateur Radio Daily

Pirate Hunt 2024
Log as many pirate stations as possible between March 29th and April 1st.
Sisä-Suomen Radioaktiiviset


I toured a Radio Shack
Video tour of one of the last Radio Shacks.

A cool APRS feature you probably don’t know about
APRS group messaging.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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