Changing the 30m bandplan

I have never had a JT65A contact on 30m. This is surprising. The 30m band is the most popular band for the WSPR mode which has demonstrated that it provides good propagation 24 hours a day. The trouble is that there is nowhere for JT65A to operate. The JT65-HF software frequency menu offers two choices for VFO frequencies: 10.139MHz and 10.147MHz. But the former will cause interference to WSPR and have you fighting it out with a phalanx of PSK signals and the latter conflicts with the frequencies used by APRS packet and other digital networks.

To those who wonder why you can’t just find a clear frequency and operate I would point out that this doesn’t work with weak signal digital modes. Not only will users of other modes not know you’re there and call on top of you, but the DX you hope to work won’t be able to find you either. So it’s important to have a frequency of operation that has a good chance of being clear, where other users know to listen.

From recent discussions it appears that the two previously mentioned 30m frequencies were chosen in a desire to find a place to operate that fits in with the IARU Region 1 and Region 3 bandplans. In the USA (which is Region 2) narrow band digital modes can use 10.130-10.140MHz but in the rest of the world the area up to 10.140MHz is allocated to CW.

I have long believed (and have probably written before in this blog) that it is absurd to have different bandplans and different rules for different parts of the world because radio waves don’t stop at national boundaries. I suspect that the allocation of just 10kHz for digital modes was made back in 1979 when the 30m was first allocated to amateurs, when the only digital mode was RTTY. Since then, and especially in the last ten years or so, there has been an explosion in the number of digital mode users (due to the increasing use of computers) as well as a proliferation of different digital modes. It is time the band plans were updated to reflect that.

I think the bandplan for 30m in the rest of the world should be brought into line with that in the USA. I have nothing against the CW mode but if 30kHz is enough for US amateurs to get by with then the rest of the world can also manage with 30kHz.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at

One Response to “Changing the 30m bandplan”

  • KJ4ZIZ:

    Well that is interesting, however the CW mode was the first digital mode
    and is still in use today. 30 meters is great for cw and other digital
    contacts. Yes the world needs to fix some of the band plans and enforce
    the rules in all countries.

    Look at 40 meters in the evening in the USA, OVERSEAS radio broadcast rule
    at 7.200 to 7.400 and that is the area for USA general class operators.
    What to do, what to do……

    73 Richard KJ4ZIZ

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