CHOTA 2024, Anyone?

The Churches and Chapels on the Air coordinator, John Wresdall G3XYF, sent this notice out this morning:

Dear All,
thanks to all those who have let me know they are operating in CHOTA 2024
on 14 Sept . If you intend to put your church or chapel on the air please let me know. The latest list is periodically uploaded to the WACRAL site when Mike G0RBB can manage it.
John G3XYF

John’s email for this is: [email protected]. He is good on

Note: CHOTA 2024 is September 4, 2024. See other posts on this blog about CHOTA. The main site for this event is: My church group had a blast last year!

Frank Howell, K4FMH, is a regular contributor to and writes from Mississippi, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

4 Responses to “CHOTA 2024, Anyone?”

  • Rod Aslesen K9ATT:

    We have a ham radio ministry at our church with a station, antenna, etc. set up. IF you take US Stations, we would like to be considered. If not…no problem.

    > Hope Community Church
    > 2455 Long Lake Road
    > New Brighton,
    > Minnesota
    > 55112
    > Grid Sq: EN35

    Organizer: > K9ATT Robert (ROD) S. Aslesen

    73 Rod
    [email protected]

  • Hi Rob,

    Yes…I led the bandwagon last year from the US side of the pond so US stations ARE allowed and desired!

    As per my blog post, you need to contact John Wresdall directly about your interest.



  • Daryl K6KRG:

    CHOTA. First I’ve heard of this. I’m not a church goer but I think this is totally cool. I really admire how folks can take things like POTA, SOTA and IOTA and come up with yet another event that hams can get into the is challenging and good fun. Bravo!

  • Frank K4FMH:

    Hi Daryl,

    Thank you for the kind remarks. It is interesting that CHOTA has been going on since 1957!

    If you know a fellow ham who attends church, why not ask about helping to activate his or her church?



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