Contest goals close to 50/50

In the thick of things
Well I am in the thick of things with the ARRL CW contest and as for my goals....I wanted to stay below 5 watts and try to get as many QRPp contacts as possible. Up to this point my QRPp contacts in the contest are at 92%!!! Because I am making mainly QRPp contacts the total contacts up to this point is suffering as I have to take the time to make the QSO. If there is even a faint signal coming back to the DX station I have to wait in line and sometimes these lines are over 5 minutes, this affects my total contact count big time. Some of the highlights up to this point in the contest are..........

1. Contacted DL6FBL with only 10mW's for a miles per watt total of 433,756 per watt an all time record  for me.
2. As was already mentioned 92% of contacts are QRPp and a majority of those are at or below 500mWs.
3. There are so far 9 contacts at or below 50mWs and again all these contacts are DX and not U.S stations.
 As for the rest of the goals like getting up early and racking up lots of time on the contest.........well the bed was sooooo comfee this morning it was very hard to get up and out before 8am! So that goal up to this point has not been met...but there is Sunday!! (dreams are free they say)
As for spending more time in the chair that will have to be weighted out on Sunday evening when the total time on air is looked at.
Contest's off to 40m and maybe 80m as well..........will keep you posted

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at

2 Responses to “Contest goals close to 50/50”

  • Kenneth Ascher KK4EIR:

    I showed the picture of your station to my wife and she thought it was mine until she realized that the pictures on the wall were different. Nearly all the same equipment and software, Pandadapter, MRP40 and N1MM.

    73, KK4EIR

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good afternoon Ken, well to start out with I guess we both have good taste in radio setups!! I went to your page and you have some very neat shots of the sub you were on. That must had been an adventure to remember. Also the antenna in the backyard looks great as well. Have a great what is left of the weekend.
    Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

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