CQ WWDX Results
My CQ WWDX results are insignificant. I spent probably a half hour at the most (more like 20 minutes) behind the key last Sunday morning.
I am used to the contest being held on Thanksgiving weekend. Since November 1st was a Friday this year, that meant that this year, the contest was held the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving. I have way too much to do the weekend before Thanksgiving, getting the house ready for the guests who will visit on Thanksgiving Day. I didn’t have much time to breathe, let alone sit behind the radio for an extended period of time. When the contest is held on Thanksgiving weekend (like next year), the house has been cleaned, for the most part chores are done, it’s the one weekend that grocery shopping is a real quick trip – ideal for sitting behind the radio and giving out points.
As I said earlier, I managed to sit down for about 20 minutes on Sunday morning before leaving for church and worked these stations:
And it looks like T7T was a pirate, a fake …… I got “slimmed” as they used to say. T7T shows up in none if the callbooks and shows up on DX Summit and the Reverse Beacon Network maybe once or twice. So it was either a fake, or someone whose fist was so shaky that I totally got it wrong. It was suggested to me that perhaps it was TM2T, but man – even that’s a stretch. If I heard it wrong and got the number of dits wrong, MAYBE it could have been TM5T, because – – … (7) sounds a lot closer to – – . . . . . (M 5) than – – . . – – – (M 2). But I kept listening for a while, even after I made my QSO and it sure sounded like T7T to me. In any even, it was a busted QSO that I am not including in my official log.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
Just goes to show Slim is still not a silent key. I have a feeling he will outlive us all.
HAPPY TURKEY day to you all! Watch out for the shakey cw guys, HI HI!
Enjoy the cw today it should be something, wine, food and cw what a match.