Cuba! CO8LY…
Man is it ever hot here in Kansas! Today it was 93 when I exited the car to setup the antenna. Can’t wait for those cool fall days to arrive!
Once I turned the radio on I opened SOTA Goat on my iPhone to see where the SOTA activators were. I noticed one of them was calling CQ on 12 meters. I had never even listened on 12 meters, so I thought I would give it a go.
I couldn’t hear the SOTA activator, but I did here…
CO8LY – map from QRZ |
CO8LY: I heard Eduardo calling CQ with no takers and he was LOUD. So I gave him a shot and he came back with a 599 report. From the map on QRZ it looks like Eduardo was near the “infamous” Guantanamo Bay.
The bands were slightly strange today, a little up and down by there just not too many stations on.
I called CQ on 20 meters near the QRP watering hole…..
WB3GCK – from QRZ |
WB3GCK/P: Craig was working portable from Duck, NC. Duck, NC is on the eastern most part of NC – and looks to be a popular resort area. He was VERY quiet – and judging from his picture on QRZ he was probably QRP. He gave me a 559 and I gave him a 339. We kept it short since he was so quiet. Craig has a nice page with lots of operating stories and other projects. You should really check it out here: He is definitely a QRPer!
Called CQ some more and…
N3RSD: Frank came back with 559 reports both ways. He was in Wilmington, DE. We exchanged SKCC numbers and called it day. I always feel bad exchanging SKCC numbers when I am using the keyer – should I?
One other interesting thing… I was tuning around at 18.100 and heard W4BVH/BCN Tampa FL – I will have to check this out and let him know I heard it!
Another fun and successful QRP lunch time portable outing!