Curing amnesia on the 10 MHz GPS reference

Just good enough 10 MHz GPS reference with
u blox Neo-7M GPS module to the upper right,
10 MHz output buffer lower right,
USB interface to the upper left, CR2032 lithium battery center left,
GPS antenna in the center, and SMA output connector lower left.

My just good enough 10 MHz GPS reference which drives the external clock input on my Elecraft K3 kept losing its configuration if power was off for a day or so. I have therefore fitted a CR2032 3V lithium battery as seen to the left in this image.

It is connected in series with a 1N4148 diode in order to prevent attempts at charging the lithium cell. The connection goes to pin 22 (V_BCKP) as described by G4ZFQ on his website. The diode is visible to the upper left of the battery.

With this, I consider the 10 MHz reference to be finished.

Earlier related posts:

Sverre Holm, LA3ZA, is a regular contributor to and writes from Norway. Contact him at [email protected].

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