CW practice

No time for reading a book? You want to practice CW to update your skills?

Here is the solution and combine both: A whole complete book in morse code. Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea. You can listen to 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 wpm. Every day one page and you will be a morse code master in a year. Thanks to OK1CQR.

Paul Stam, PC4T, is a regular contributor to and writes from the Netherlands. Contact him at

4 Responses to “CW practice”

  • K6CMG:

    Who learns code starting at 20wpm? That’s insainly fast for a beginner.

  • PC4T:

    @K6CMG: I think this is not meant for beginners. 20 wpm is pretty fast for beginners, I agree. 35 years ago I started learning morse code, and the exam requirement was 12 wpm (and that was fast then) and still is for a beginner. But the nowadays method is not starting with 12 wpm but faster: eg 20 wpm. Why? You you get used to the speed and rhythm of the morse. It is just like learning a foreign language. You start with a few words, and the rest of it you don’t understand, but by and by you will recognise more words. It’s the same with Morse Code (CW) I can take up to 25 wpm but I listen on regular bases to morse code up to 40 wpm. And when I return to 20 wpm I think OMG what a slow speed. Hi. really I can’t take 12 wpm because it’s to slow. 😉 73 Paul PC4T

  • Alan VA3AH:

    Enjoyed the site.

  • Ernest Gregoire, AA1IK:

    Starting a person new to code as 20 WPM is ‘EXACTLY’ the right thing to do. I do this regularly. I take people that know nothing, brand new to code, and in 30 minutes, I can get them to recognize 3 or sometimes more, distinct but short words, at that speed.

    I hated the ‘old way’ of learning 5, 7, 13, wmp and so on. It was extremely difficult. Its far better to start at 20. Yes it will take the a bit longer to memorize the alphabet, numbers and prosigns but not much more. Then they will have something they can use on the air in a ‘real conversation’

    de AA1IK

    Ernest Gregoire

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