D-STAR on Field Day: Check out the QuadNet Array
Since field day is just as much a public outreach as it is an emergency preparedness exercise, many clubs across the US and Canada also have additional stations set aside to demonstrate different aspects of amateur radio. Often this includes D-STAR.
I would like to extend an invitation to all clubs that are showing off D-STAR to the general public to join us on the Quadnet Array as the hub of activity for those participating in field day to be able to talk with one another using D-STAR. No, you won’t be able to count the contacts for points, but you can use the array to keep in touch, talk about how things were going in your area as well as show off D-STAR to the members of the general public that come by your field day site and express an interest in all of the radios, antennas and unusual sounds that are coming from the tents setup in the park.
The Quadnet Array is a group of persistently linked reflectors and smart groups spread out around the world. This allows users to be able to access the closest reflector or smart group to their physical location to keep the internet latency at a minimum. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, connecting to one will allow them to hear activity across the entire Array.
To connect to the Quadnet Array you will need to either login to one of the below Smart Groups or link to one of the below reflectors:
Quadnet Smart groups:
DSTAR1 in New York
DSTAR2 in San Francisco
DSTAR3 in Ohio.
XRF757A in Atlanta
XLX049D in Northern Ireland
XLX307D in Wyoming
XLX626D in New Zealand
If anyone has any questions about how to connect to the Quadnet Array they are welcome to contact me directly or send an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to assist.
73 – Jeff VE6DV
Is there activity happening on D-STAR for Summer Field Day.