Day the Earth Stands Still
Steve Weinert, K9ZW did a nice job sharing his take on comments from keynote speaker and ex-FCC General Counsel Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH from the W9DXCC convention.
Riley spoke about the need for compassion, even for those who intentionally disrupt our communications, and hinted that many disturbed individuals are veterans dealing with mental health issues. Given his previous position, he doubtless speaks from experience.
The vulnerabilities from our dependence on networked systems and the concern this is causing lawmakers fretting about a ‘Digital Pearl Harbor’ was another topic covered by Hollingsworth.
Stop by Steve’s blog and check out both thought-provoking posts.
Good post. More compassion is definitely needed in amateur radio.
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With all due respect to Mr. Hollingsworth, I don’t agree with the suggestion that many of the people causing intentional interference on the Ham bands are veterans with mental health issues. Granted a few might be vets with mental problems but I think the majority are just immature individuals who never should have been allowed to have a license.