Dear Yaesu, Please Make a VHF FT-950
About a year ago, I bought a Yaesu FT-950 transceiver with HF through 50 MHz. I’ve really enjoyed that radio. This weekend I am working the CQ WW VHF Contest and giving it a good workout on 6 Meters. It is set up quite nicely for contesting with a decent receiver, built-in antenna tuner, DSP processing, dual VFOs, built-in voice and CW keyers, etc. For 2 Meters, I use my trusty old FT-847, which has always been one of the favorite rigs. I have to admit that the 847′s receiver is a bit wimpy when it comes to operating on a crowded band with strong signals, and it only puts on 50 Watts on 2 Meters.
So here’s my request:
Dear Yaesu,
Please add 2 Meters to the FT-950 transceiver. When you obsoleted the FT-847, you left a big hole in the ham radio market. The FT-847 was supposed to be a satellite rig, which is nice but not required. I really just want a radio that can put out 100W on 2 Meters, with the great features of the FT-950. Note that I am not asking for 70 cm operation, but if you want to toss that in, it would be cool. You can even leave out some of the HF bands if that would make it easier.
Thanks and I await your reply.
73, Bob K0NR
Yes that is a hole that yaesu need to look at. For many years Had an 847 for VHF contests ran 6 meters on VFO A and 2 meters on B in to a KMA-5054 log
made a nice contest rig.
Good afternoon Bob, it will be very interesting to see if they do in fact do that….as you said it sure would be a nice addition. I do know that Elecraft has a 2m module for the K3 but it’s only 10w. To me that is a short fall if you want it for contesting….surprised Elecraft dropped the ball there.
Have a good what is left of the weekend.