DMR talk – and a great blog (Grapevine Ham Radio)
I keep an eye on e-Bay, of course, and had seen the Kirisun units around. These, it seems, are DPMR, using FDMA and whilst are no doubt very interesting to try out, they won’t get you anywhere down the DMR route.
A DMR handheld that won’t break the bank is the Connect Systems CS700 which is retailing in the US at around USD180. There’s a really nice writeup over at the Grapevine Ham Radio blog. Incidentally, I can’t believe I have missed Jason’s blog up until now. There’s lots of great stuff there. And to make it even more embarrassing, he kindly includes a link to my blog on his site. Sorry, Jason – this will be fixed! Hans, PD0AC also carries an interesting item about the CS-700 on his blog.
It will be interesting to see if or how the talk develops and whether DMR makes any sort of impression in terms of on-air activity over the next few months
Thanks Tim!