Does it work?
With WSPR I got good reception reports, e.g. Australia on 20 meter, but I was spotted nowhere. Very strange. Yesterday the same. I was doubting the antenna wasn't okay, but the reception was good. I don't know why they didn't hear me with WSPR. The clock is OK. With JT9 I was heard. And I made a qso with EA7AH with 2 watts. So there's nothing wrong with the antenna.
Paul Stam, PC4T, is a regular contributor to and writes from the Netherlands. Contact him at
Check the Advanced settings tab, you have a “Reduce TX audio” slider there, make sure it’s set to the proper value in order to get the correct power output. Also, check audio connections, distorted audio makes your signal hard to decode.
I see you’ve been spotted a few times though:
Razvan YO9IRF