Does This Ever Happen To You?
Testing out a new project or piece of gear on the air is fun, sometimes!
I get on the air to test a new gizmo and get a reply. Ah, this is great!
The other station sends my call back to me, then QSB strikes and bamo! Down in the dumps it goes. I hear only a dit here and there. Growl!
Now this is where it gets frustrating. The other guy send me my own call back 3, 4, maybe even 5 times. Like I don’t already know what my own call sign is, right!
I hear that clear as a bell, then, as if from a distant galaxy, I hear his call W~~~~~ , boomba— down in the mud again! OK, OK, I send back to him now; UR CALL ONLY UR CALL ONLY QSB QSB BK
Once more he send my call back to me again only this time 7 times in a row, using up all the possible propagation between us! Oy vey!
I send SRI QSB 73, de AA1IK SK
Does this happen to you too?
If anyone reads this and is just getting into QRP. Please, please Please, DON’T SEND ME MY OWN CALL BACK A BUNCH OF TIMES, I ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT IS, ITS YOUR CALL SIGN THAT I WANT!!!!
73 all,
de AA1IK
Ernest Gregoire
Geezer on the porch
It happens on digital modes too… just a few weeks ago I made a contact on PSK31. What I received was essentially “conditions are fading quickly. Let me hit my extended ‘brag’ macro button.” Fortunately we were able to complete the QSO before things fell apart, but to know the band is rough, then hit the button anyhow….
On a similar note, it is frustrating to sit through 57 CQs to get to the other person’s call. Come on! Either I hear your CQ or I don’t. Repeating it 57 times isn’t going to help! I want to hear your call sign! A 3×2 CQ is usually sufficient. If you don’t get an answer, wait a few seconds and call again.
Isn’t that the truth! Good point! Where did they learn to do that???
I’ve run into this more times than I care to count, in the exact same manner in which you describe it. I agree, I know my own call, thankyouverymuch!