DX Central’s MW Frequency Challenge


If you like DXing the broadcast band, then the weekly ‘DX Central MW Frequency Challenge' may be of interest to you. It’s run and organized by Loyd Van Horn, W4LVH, a dedicated DXer and a big promoter of BCB DXing.

Basically, participants are asked to listen on the chosen frequency for a one week period and report what they have been able to identify. Results of course will be different throughout the continent but if you are near any other listeners, it’s always fun to compare your final results.

The new frequency (or frequencies) are announced Sunday evening around 0100Z on Loyd's regular live-feed Youtube channel as well as on his Twitter feed   @dxcentral 

Loggings are reported via a fill-in form which is updated weekly.

As well, information on most aspects of AM BCB DXing can be found on Loyd’s website.

Hopefully you can give it a shot during the week and see what you can catch. 


                               This week’s frequency is 1450 kHz.

Steve McDonald, VE7SL, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from British Columbia, Canada. Contact him at ve7sl@shaw.ca.

3 Responses to “DX Central’s MW Frequency Challenge”

  • K7DUY:

    K7DUY just ck’ing in 02/10/2022@1720PST

  • Karl WA8NVW:

    Just a noise report from northeast Ohio: No chance on the target frequency. We have WWWE 1100 on a Clear Channel 50 kW Day+Night assignment, with severe sideband noise on 1080. Can just barely find WBAL 1070 Baltimore MD below and KMOX 1120 St Louis MO above on quiet nights (both CC 50 kW).

    If you happen to use the DXToolBox suite, you can look up 1080 kHz and read or map all the USA licensed target stations. FYI, there are only 2 shown in Canada – CKSA & CKKY. 73 de WA8NVW

  • Steve VE7SL:

    Karl, hopefully next week’s target frequency or frequencies (announced on Sunday night around 0300Z) will be more favorable for you. Sometimes it’s just bad luck! Here where I am in southern BC, the 1080 station in Portland is very loud and dominates the frequency. I’ve turned my loop at right angles and carefully nulled it out which has permitted two others to be heard but usually the Portland signal still dominates. It must be coming straight down on top of me at times.

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