EchoLink node
A week or so ago my application to operate a part time attended EchoLink node on the 2m band was granted. I didn’t receive any notification of this, I just happened to check the relevant page of the RSGB Data Communications Committee website and noticed that my entry had turned black and an expiry date had been added.
G4ILO-L is EchoLink node number 3098 and operates on 145.2125MHz with a CTCSS Tone of 77.0Hz. As stated the authorization only allows the node to operate when I am on the premises. It uses the non-APRS side of my Kenwood TM-D710 so in practise it will also only operate when I don’t want to operate on 2 metres myself. Therefore it is more likely to be on during the evening UK time than during the day.
The license only allows me to use 5W ERP. Due to my location in the RF black hole of Cockermouth the range will only be a few miles so the number of stations able to access it can probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. Most of the time I will be monitoring the node myself on one of my handhelds so if you call me after connecting there is a good chance I will reply.
I do intend to post a page on my website explaining to other stations in the area how to use it if they want to, but at the moment the number of things to do exceed the available time.
I have developed a script to post the status of the node to the APRS network so an easy way to see whether my node is running or not would be to look up EL-3098 at