Elecraft K3 Build Continuing – Reflection Point

Ironically – Building the Elecraft K3 has let me to reflect. This K3 project is special to me and has drawn some interesting questions. I have been asked by several people including friends and coworkers and some outside my family what I did on my vacation days and when I tried to explain that I was working on building a Ham Radio – Elecraft K3 which I knew they would have no idea about the brand but I always take shot at it.

The reaction has been staggering – so you are building something that is taking days if not weeks to do that you could have purchased all put together and ready to use by someone else. On top of that you are setting up camera and blogging about it. What a waste of time seems to be the consensus.

The joy of building something – anything it doesn’t have to be a Heathkit, Elecraft or even a Lego set (which I enjoy building as well) is a primal instinct for me. I like to create, build, see a result and when I’m able to use this radio on the air knowing that I had large part in the assembling is going to make me even more proud to use it.

I am capturing this memory for me, writing about it for me and I want to share with others so maybe they will consider building something whether it is this radio or not to enhance their life. Setting up a camera, editing footage, blogging and building all takes time certainly and I know over 7000 (by my serial number) have built an Elecraft K3 before me. Maybe they have done this – maybe not – maybe they will enjoy looking back at someone else’s experience. Maybe no one will watch or read…. That’s entirely possible as well… But the project is mine ☺ I will still have the memory.

Life is short and sometimes you have to savor experiences – let them burn a memory for you that you will have for a long time. This is one for me… I know I could have bought this radio built, I know I could put it all together in a day very quickly (possibility ☺) and I know some will never understand…

Nick N1IC

To see my full build story: http://nicktoday.com/elecraft-k3-and-n1ic-my-build-page-1

Nick Palomba, N1IC, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Florida, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

3 Responses to “Elecraft K3 Build Continuing – Reflection Point”

  • Paul W3FIS:

    Nothing like the satisfaction of having built something yourself.

    73 /paul W3FIS

  • Peter ZL1PWD:

    Enjoy it while you can Nick and savor the experience, I know I sure did.
    You will also be much more confident of ‘diving’ in to add the options etc.

    vry 73

    Peter ZL1PWD

    K3 #139 + K-Line.

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good morning Nick, when you build the rig yourself as I found you are more confident to open the rig back up again for add on options. I have had mine now for 3 years and it’s a great rig and always up to day via the updates from Elecraft.

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