Farewell Firefox

After many years as a stalwart Firefox user I have today made Google Chrome my default web browser.

I had tried Chrome once before. It was probably too early a version as I could not get on with it and missed too many of my Firefox extensions. Since then I have grown less dependent on those extensions and Chrome has become compatible with or has gained alternatives to those I need.

I installed Chrome a second time in an attempt to solve a problem that I thought was an issue with Firefox and turned out to be something else entirely! The installation was quick and easy. Chrome imported all my Firefox bookmarks with ease, reminding me to close Firefox so it could access them. I didn’t allow the installer to make Chrome the default browser initially, but after half an hour I was ready to take the plunge.

This won’t be news to those of you already using Google Chrome but the new browser feels much faster than Firefox. I see that 20% of visitors to G4ILO’s Shack are using the Chrome browser. I think it won’t be long until it overtakes the 27% of my visitors using Firefox.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

13 Responses to “Farewell Firefox”

  • Speedmaster (K9ROC):

    Me, too. I’ve been using FF for years, and Chrome somewhat in parallel since it came out. But about a month ago I went 95% Chrome.

  • Larry W2LJ:


    I gave up on Firefox earlier this year. It had become bloated and developed too many problems. I went with Chrome (at home) and never looked back. Good decision on your part!

    73 de Larry W2LJ

  • GB KC5GB:

    I had a similar experience with Chrome early on. Now, I can’t bring myself to retry. Google has a huge monetary interest in peering over my shoulder, and Google hasn’t shown itself to be a very ethical entity of late. FF has no need for data mining, etc. Not that I have anything to hide, but as they say, ‘it’s the principle of the thing’.

  • SV1UY:


    I agree 100% with KC5GB. Firefox is the browser to go. Google allows all poker popups no matter what you do.

    No, no Big Brother Browser for me, thanks.

    73 de Demetre SV1UY

  • Mike VE3WDM:

    Good afternoon Julian, I have both on my desktop and out of habit I seem to always click on FF….but I am slowly making the change to Chrome.

  • Sauli OH3GGQ:

    I have used browsers since Mosaic. For years Firefox was the favourite, but since maybe two years back Chrome has been the primary one. Google makes things somehow more fun? As web programmer I often need a second browser (session stuff)…there FF still gets his chance 🙂

  • Richard KWØU:

    If either one of them has a way of permanently deleting Bing they’ll have my vote. This idiot search engine keeps returning no matter how I change the URL, preferences, deletions, etc. It’s not that bad, but I’ll not allow Microsoft to dictate my choice in the matter. I just close it and try again till Google shows. FF has not answered my requests for assistance. Does Chrome care?

  • Paul Griffith KE5WMA:

    I tried it on my Linux PC but had to unload it. It broke some of my applications so it is back to Firefox and Epiphany browsers for me.

  • KD8KZT:

    I tried Chrome a while back but had problems with some pages displaying properly. I currently use Palemoon, a version of Firefox optimized for Windows

  • Randy WB0VHB:

    Just wait till you start getting the “error 324 server sent no data”


    I too wanted to switch from FF to Chrome but Chrome kept giving me these errors and wouldn’t respond. So it’s back to FF.

  • m3ozp:

    I tried chrome a couple of years ago on both our home computers, and we ended up with a malicious virus. Apparently other people had the same problem as well. Then recently I gave it another go and all seems well. I had been using FF for years, but for some unkown reason.we are experiencing some problems with it on both computers. I can’t seem to work out what the problem is, but FF has been running so dreadfully SLOW! I had heard there was a conflict with flashplayer that could be causing the problem, but not sure if it is that? So for the time being it ‘s chrome, though there occasionally problems when chrome can’t find web pages.

  • Matt W1MST:

    This is an interesting article for those interested in what Google’s Chrome is (and isn’t) sending back to the mother ship….


  • m3ozp:

    I read today that google has been fined heavily over privacy issues.
    Interesting to see what happens.

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