First 70MHz Es QSOs (and a friendly scarecrow)
Since last weekend, I’ve been keeping a much closer eye on 50 and 70MHz. Being Sunday, having a bit more time made all the difference.
50MHz was already opening as I got into the shack this morning. I checked 70MHz, not really expecting anything and immediately heard my neighbour, Neil, G4BRK working something I couldn’t hear. I listened a bit longer and there was propagation to the east. SP2JYR came up briefly, but not well enough for me to work. As the Es closed down this morning, a 70MHz CW contest started up, but this didn’t enthuse me!
This afternoon we were out at the village open gardens. By the way, Julie won a prize for her excellent scarecrow, Gardenia De Hessian!
When we came back from an enjoyable afternoon, I checked the bands. 50MHz was going well; EA9UG was a nice one on 50MHz CW. CT8LI was a got away on phone. I checked 70MHz and initially although I could hear some signals, it was all a bit faint.
I spent a few minutes trying to work EA4DS on 50MHz JT6M without success, but couldn’t resist working EA4HW on RTTY for my first ever RTTY QSO on the band.
Finally a bit of luck went my way on 70MHz; I had a nice QSO with Jo CT1HZE and also great to work EA7KB.
Lots of other nice QSOs in the log over the weekend; YU6MM and E77OA yesterday, LY1R today – all on six.
Good fun!
Had my first ever Es contacts on 6 metres in the last fortnight and have enjoyed it so much it has been like a new beginning in Amateur Radio for me. Worked Italy twice, Spain, the Balearics and Portugal on 5w with an FT817 and a attic mounted dipole. So pleased to have done this.