First signals received on 472khz

Earlier in the week, I set the FT847, with no preamp or tuner, monitoring 474.2khz and the WSPR program running. Unfortunately, when I came back at the end of the evening, I noticed that I had left the radio with the CW filter and offset in. Not surprisingly, then, I didn’t copy anyone.

This morning, whilst I popped out for an hour, I set things up correctly and when an came back, I was delighted to see that I had copied M1GEO in JO01 square. It turns out that George has a very nice station on 472khz, detailed here on his Wiki

Later on in the day, I also copied G3ZJO from IO92 and then during the evening I received some nice signals from PA3ABK in JO21.

Clearly there is much that can be done to try and improve the receive performance, but it is encouraging to have received some signals without having to modify any equipment.

Tim Kirby, G4VXE, is a regular contributor to and writes from Oxfordshire, England. Contact him at

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