First time phone VK
I was searching for contacts on the CW part of 40m. But they were jamming each other in the DX part of the band. I saw coming along: QSY you pig & Idiot. Well, what should I say about it... A new kind of conduct? Anyway, I tried SSB for instance and moved up to 20m. My phone contacts are very few. But I worked RM22WG and OH4JVC. On 14.345 MHz I heard CS7/PD0HNL (50 watts) working VK2GWK (Henk) in Dutch. So I thought maybe I can give a call. I never worked VK with phone before. I was running 50 watts. Well, he did hear me! Wow, that's really great. Later on I cranked up the power to 100 watts to make it a little easier for Henk to copy me. I was not that strong 43 report, so I needed a little more power. We had a nice chat, and he lived in The Netherlands near my village. Henk was running 1 KW into a 3 el. yagi. This QSO made my day.
Hello Paul,
Working a distant station a realizing the operator once lived in your own home town is one of the really “fun” things about the hobby! I’m glad you made the QSO.
Sorry to hear the DX Cops drove you off, but this story proves that even those dark clouds have a silver lining! Glad you had a good QSO out of the whole thing. //Steve//
40 meters has been a zoo since 1979 when I lived in Danbury,CT. They had a group who called them self the ‘rat pack’. They made CB radio sound like a Sunday sermon in comparasion to their conduct. Now on 40 cw they jam,try to over power other stations and act like fools. Why is the woulf hong in Newington and not being applied? The white vans with the antennas driven by fcc enforcement teams, where are they? Yes sir 40 cw is shot! Or how about the lower part of 10 meters? Listen and you will hear ‘The Ghost Rider’ calling on AM. If he gets no answer he continues to speak, but there is no one there. Or the electronic siren and wailing or Free banders around 28.100. The Ole Man would be sad,I can see his face all red while applying the woulf hong!