FOBB 2012 News
Today I received the following e-mail from Bill W4ZV:
“Hi Larry, FYI on the WRO live blog Richard KI6SN just confirmed that he will be doing FOBB this year and promises results within 2 weeks. Said he would be making an announcement on QRP-L next week. Great news! 73, Bill W4ZV”
OK – that’s all the news I have. I have not received any answers to my inquiries about FOBB, so I would suggest you keep your eyes peeled on QRP-L for the next couple of weeks. I do not know if FOBB numbers will be issued; or who will be doing the issuing.
This is a great event, and I’m glad to see that it’s not going the way of the Dodo.
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!