Great 29MHz conditions
For the second time in a few days, I had a 29MHz QSO through the KQ2H repeater on 29.620 (input on 29.520) on the way home from the station. With the days lengthening, the propagation is lasting a little longer too and KQ2H has been a really great signal even at 1830z.
Last Friday I worked M0CGL through the box and then this evening it was nice to have a QSO with Terry G0VHS in Weymouth.
Gear is the Anytone AT5555 at around 20W into the Sirio whip on the car.
The band has been quiet in the morning, although I’ve tried a few CQs on 29.600 at around 0715z – I’m sure it’s open somewhere. Judging by the Russian taxi controllers on 27MHz – it’s good out in that direction!
Good to hear some people making 29MHz AM QSOs today as well – though the AM segment was quiet by the time I got back to the car.
Yes sir 10 meters was up and running. I worked NP4 – IK4 – SH2. All on cw between 28.010 and 28.o40 mhz. At around 28.500 mhz there were a group of CB’ers on AM? Their signal to me was about 5/7.