Happy 80th birthday, Practical Wireless magazine
Today, September 13th, Practical Wireless is 80 years old! In 1932, the very first Practical Wireless was published and was at that time a weekly.
Amateur radio magazines available on the High Street have come and gone over the years; ‘Short Wave Magazine’ of course. Who remembers the UK’s ‘Ham Radio Today’ and ‘Amateur Radio’ in the 1980s? For one reason or another all these have come to an end leaving ‘Practical Wireless’ as the only remaining solely Amateur Radio magazine that can be purchased at your newsagent.
My grandfather loved Practical Wireless and as a boy, we worked on crystal sets and transistor radios together. It gives me a thrill that now I am able to contribute in a small way to the magazine and I hope, enthuse people to enjoy our hobby.
Look out for GB80PW being operated today from the home of PW’s Editor, Rob Mannion, G3XFD. I gather there are plans to be on 7MHz SSB (or, in PW style s.s.b.) during the morning and early afternoon, after which time the station will move to 14MHz SSB – with hopefully some 3.5MHz PSK31 in the early evening.
If, like me, you’ll be at work today, look out for GB80PW on Saturday 15th September – the plan is to be on 7MHz SSB between around 0930 and 1500 local time (0830-1400z).
Happy birthday, Practical Wireless!