Happy birthday to me
Today is my 59th birthday. I opened my inbox to find several greetings messages from various websites and forums. Ah, you’re never without a friend in cyberspace!
Olga and I are not planning any special celebration today, though Olga is such a great cook that I prefer eating in anyway. I’m still off wine, despite still having a cupboard full of the stuff from when I was a member of a mail order wine club. At the moment I have enough trouble staying upright when sober. Surprisingly, I really don’t miss it (wine, I mean, not staying upright.)
But today deserves celebration as the birthday doctors told me I’d have a slim chance of seeing. Pah! Doctors! What do they know anyway?
There’s no reason why you, my loyal readers, can’t have a drink on my behalf, though. So here’s hoping I’ll still be hamming, blogging and beating the bugger in 365 days time, and many more days after that.
Thanks for all your support, and for reading my blog.
Congrats, you sure beat them. Now go for the knock-out!
It is my 65th birthday today as well, so i will definitely have a drink and toast your good health!
Happy birthday Julian.
73 de Fernando.
Best wishes for not only a Happy Birthday today, but also many, many, many more!
Larry W2LJ
Happy birthday Julian. Keep grinding away at life and keep the blogs going.
Hope the KX3 arrived in time.
Mike G4KXQ
Happy Birthday..May the Lord bless you and keep you.
I have a dinner meeting tonight at a Mexican restaurant. It’s not radio-related, so I will make my toast a silent one. But I will definitely raise a glass to your health. I wish you many more happy birthdays.
Here’s to you Juilian! Keep on trucking and blogging for many more!
Happy Birthday.
This is a Happy Birthday time to celebrate! To your health and to Olga’s love and attention keeping our Blogger blogging. Many, many more birthdays.
88 from NJ USA
Happy birthday Julian
Happy birthday Julian and keep bashing away at the enemy. Better drink Yorkshire Tea than vino because at least you stay upright old boy. Never without a steaming hot mug of Yorkshire’s finest brew in my shack. 73 and all the best to you and the Staion Manager- bless her. Steve G0PQB.
Happy Birthday!
I read your posts and your website. Silent lurking and thankful for your articles.
Peace and Blessings to you and Olga
Adrin, Julian. With my eyesight and this far across the pond, please forgive my stupidity.
Happy Birthday Julian … and may there be many more. I really have enjoyed reading your blog the last few years and looking forward to a few more.
73, Dave K1THP
Happy Birthday Julian,
you and your wife are an inspiration. Never give up.
73 Jan