Hard work reaps rewards………
I was always told from a young age "something worthwhile ALWAYS requires hard work" That has stuck with me and at times when I was about to throw in the towel a voice inside said, "it requires hard work". I am so thankful that I had an amazing job that gave me benefits and a pension for life BUT I worked my ass off for it.
For me CW is worthwhile and at this point in my ham radio adventure CW contesting has attracted me. Each day I practice my code on a few contest simulators and pileup simulators. Today for the first time I had a perfect score! Now that may not happen again tomorrow, this week or this month BUT today the score was perfect.
I’m right there with you Mike. Been working hard on my CW too. I may never get to where I want with it, but I’ll go down swinging!
Hello, Make!
Could you send me the links you use in contest simulators and pileup simulators.
I am using MorseRunner.
73! Vladimir, R4II
Hi Mike,
Yes I have a saying “success is the square root of effort”. I have 2 interests in ham radio each end of the spectrum,
Cw that I’m learning,and will try to send my first cw qso by my birthday (25/April) and dmr, I have a tyt uv380, which I’m learning
to programme,for me very difficult. Your letter shows with work it’s possible to achieve most goals. Onwards and upwards.
73 Alan 2E0HNH
Good morning Phil very nice to hear from you, yes CW is like learning a new language but over time you get better and better. The key is to stick with it during the valleys and enjoy the mountaintops.
Good morning Vladimir, I have sent you via email from you address on QRZ a link to the other contest software I use.
Good morning Alan and very nice to hear from you, I encourage you to keep plugging along in your CW adventure. I would also recommend you head to the LICW website (Long Island CW club). This is a fantastic club for those starting out in CW. They have a TON of excellent links, classes, materials and instruction regarding CW. I am a member there and they do a super job. Also, I just started to read a recently released book called CW the way of life. It’s available now on Kindle books (if you have an e-reader) an excellent book. Give both these a look and see what you think? if you have any questions check back with me I will be more than happy to help.