His and Hers

I haven’t posted so much lately. Sinus issues have kept me from really spending the time on anything other than work and the necessities of life. There are some great goings-on here on Long Island though. My lovely and amazing fiance had been studying for her Technician license for the last month or so. Armed with a notebook, access to the QRZ.com practice tests, and Gordon West’s book, she finally took and passed the exam this past Saturday. Now we just need the callsign.  A friend of ours once told us that there are two types of Ham Radio spouses.  Ones that embrace the hobby, maybe not to the fullest, but will attend picnics and events, and there are the ones that run screaming from it.  I have been blessed with a fiance who fell in love with the Ham Radio community, and the people we have met through it.  I’m not sure that I’ll ever come home to find her staring at Smith Charts, but I think she and I might get to fight over the soldering iron a bit.

His-N-Hers UV-3R Mark IIs

Fresh from Amazon

Well, anyway, on to the Baofengs you see here.  She sort-of owed  me a birthday gift for awhile, and I thought she needed a congratulatory gift for passing the exam, so we ordered his-n-hers Baofeng UV-3R Mark IIs.  I know quite a few hams that have purchased these little gems and most are quite pleased.  Now, I understand that I cannot expect the performance of a $300 Kenwood, or other similar HTs, but the value is quite amazing.  Here in the NY Metro area, a small 2 watt HT is not a bad thing to have.

As I do with practically everything I own, I have started the process of learning all I can about getting the most out of these little radios.  I will post the results as I experiment.  So far so good though.  Stay tuned, more to follow.

–Neil W2NDG

Neil Goldstein, W2NDG, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New York, USA. Contact him at neil@neilgoldstein.com.

8 Responses to “His and Hers”

  • Matt W1MST:

    Congratulations, Neil! Twins!

  • JD K2ADV:

    Great work Enjoy the hobby

  • Chris Meisenzahl (K9ROC):

    Congrats on all of that! We have the same model and love it.

  • David-KD2BMU:

    Congrats to her!

  • Fred Bernquist AE2DX:

    Congrats to her! Enjoy the greatest hobby in the world.

  • Dave K1THP:

    Congradulations! My wife got her ticket after we were married about 7 years and went from novice to advanced in about a year. I don’t have a problem with new gear or antennas. We go to plenty of hamfests too. In fact she has been to Dayton more times than I have! There is a story there but I’ll share it with you over a beer if we ever meet at a hamfest. BTW, we will be at Boxboro this August. Good luck with the Baofeng radios. I have both the UV3R and Uv5r and like the UV3r better.
    73, Dave

  • Thank you to everyone for your kind words and congratulations. Jill had her first QSO yesterday with one of the people in our club who had also encouraged her to do this. Tomorrow we will be at the LIMARC outdoor HamFair in Bethpage NY helping out. Maybe I’ll see some of you there?

    –Neil W2NDG

  • Garth, , KF7ATL:

    Conrats, Neil!

    Neither my XYL nor my kids have shown any interest in the hobby, although I keep trying. They are, however, very supportive because they have seen how much pleasure I get from it. Oh, well. Hope springs eternal! Maybe someday they’ll come around!

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