I did it!
I did it! I got New Hampshire and Maryland for the sweep! New Hampshire in the morning, and Maryland in the afternoon. All stations were worked on 40 Meters and three were worked with CW, the rest SSB. This has been the most SSB work that I have done in decades.
I have to say that this was a lot of fun, especially for something I really hadn’t planned on taking on. But the other evening, when I had worked the first 8 Colonies before I had really even realized it, I became hooked.
There’s still plenty of time for you to complete this, or even get started if you haven’t already. The 13 Colonies event runs until midnight Sunday morning, so get behind the radio and start spinning the dial!
76 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
Congratulations! For the life of me, I couldn’t hear the MD station at all yesterday or day before. Heard him today, though, a very loud 59. To my surprise, got him on the 1st try to complete my sweep! But, I used my native 100W on the 590. I’m really impressed with your sweep. Noticed that some operators were very kind to QRP/Mobile stations which was nice to hear.
Glad to hear that, fellows. I got the 13+1 too with the last a VA operator being very patient during trying conditions. Being in Minnesota certainly helped–I got them all on phone, using 20 except for MD on 15. But if I can break pileups with 100 W and an attic dipole, then anyone with time and a patient spouse may be able to as well. I urge everybody to keep working on them through the end of the event.
Completed the QRP sweep too, Larry, but I just bounced around between 20 and 40, CW & SSB. Took a long time to actually find K2F on the air. Guess our schedules didn’t mesh until late yesterday. I did also work a couple of them again on a SO-50 sat pass last night.