I heard a loud bang!
Oliver likes the other use for the antenna cover |
The inside looked great |
Over this past weekend I was not able to get out and about with KX3 and CHA P Loop for portable ops as the weather was not very co-operative. I decided to throw the switch on the K3 at home instead, I really did not find too much on the bands. My antenna as I have mentioned in the past is the MFJ 1788 Mag loop. For me to get on the radio the antenna has to be moved to the centre of the balcony and a feedline brought out to it. This is only a 2 minute job to accomplish and the plan most of the time is when I am done to remove the coax and store the antenna back in the corner of the balcony. Now and then I leave it where it is after setup as I may want to use it later. On Saturday I left the antenna in the “operation position” overnight. I woke up at about 3:30 AM to some very loud and strong winds, I thought I should go and get the antenna and put it to the side in its stored position. Then as that thought was leaving me I heard BANG!!! The wind had blown the Loop over and it hit with a very loud bang. I went out right away and up righted the antenna removed the coax and placed the antenna off the side. Later in the morning I brought the antenna in to inspect it for damage. The outside looked good but it was the antenna tuning capacitor and circuitry end of the antenna that made the loud contact with the concrete floor. I removed the covers and was pleased to find no damage had been done. I then tested the antenna and all was good. Lesson learned, it only takes to minutes to put it to the side and bring it out again. This is worth the time as opposed to spending HUGE money on a new antenna or getting it repaired. With taking the covers off it allowed me to also do my annual inspection of the antenna as well.