IARU HF World Championship 2014 Results
Click to Enlarge – I am towards the bottom! |
A couple weeks ago the IARU HF World Championship 2014 was held. It started at 7:00 AM local time on Saturday morning and ended 7:00 AM local time on Sunday morning.
I have been wanting to work a big contest, and I was able to squeeze a few hours of “shack time” into my schedule on Saturday.
I hit the ground running on Saturday morning right when the contest started. I did a bit of band hopping for the next 90 minutes. Then I was able to get back on about 3:00 pm local for an hour, then back on again about 11:00 pm local for an hour or so.
I worked 55 stations during this limited operating time. I worked mostly stateside stations, but I was able to pick up a couple DX contacts as well.
The only HQ station I worked was W100AW – which was a thrill. I also worked stations in Canada, Bermuda, Europe, Jamaica and Brazil. I also worked Hawaii several times, which I had never done before.
Here is the breakdown per band:
40 Meters: 34 Contacts
20 Meters: 5 Contacts
15 Meters: 15 Contacts (This would have been more productive if I had more time in the afternoon)
10 Meters: 1 Contact
The good news about my high noise level at the QTH is that if I can hear them, I can almost surely work them. I think I only called 2 people that I did not end up working.
I operated “search and pounce” the entire contest. Starting at one end of the band and working my way to the other end. One thing I found interesting is that I would finish scanning from end to end, then start over. On the next pass I would hear stations I didn’t hear on the first past. Very interesting!
The other thing I was happy to see is that I was not last! I uploaded my scores to 3830scores.com and as you can see in the image above, I was not last.
I will officially submit my score to the contest, just to eventually see my call sign in print.
This was very fun! I know I will never by a big gun contest station, but contests are a great way to improve your CW speed, operating skills, and have lots of fun!