It’s the end of the world as we know it

was the title of a catchy tune a few years back.  I am one of those who takes no stock in ancient Mayan prophecies – BUT …….. if there are any Hams out there who are like that that guy in Hong Kong who sold all his stuff thinking that the world is ending Friday – don’t go through the trouble of selling. I’ll be willing to take your Ham gear off your hands for free!

Seriously, though …… don’t forget the Zombie Shuffle is this Friday night, to poke a little fun at those nasty ol’ Mayans, Here’s a little reminder from Paul NA5N:

Zombies and Maya Kings, Gosh. Where has the time gone? Seems it was just summer, then Thanksgiving, Christmas next week … oh yeah, and the end of the world thing this Friday. Hate it when doomsday sneaks up on you like that! 🙂

So a reminder that our special 2012 “End of the World” Zombie Shuffle will be THIS FRIDAY, famous December 21, from local sundown (considered 5pm local) to midnight. Just as the Maya calendar runs out of rock. Early enough to get a little 20M in there before resorting to 40M. Solar flux is 115-120, quiet geomagnetic field, and no big competing contests which should provide fairly decent evening bands.
Rules and other ramblings at:

NEW TO QRP OR CONTESTING? This is for you. A contest that serves no purpose whatsoever except get on the air and have fun no matter what your code speed or how rusty your fist may be. We all know Zombies can’t crack out 35 wpm in those old blood soaked rags, right? Scoring is based more on serendipity (recording those Zombie numbers) than operating skill. Over the years, we’ve had quite a few new QRPers who accomplished their first real CW QSOs during the Zombie Shuffle. That’s what it’s all about … to give everyone a chance to get on the air and pound some brass.

ZOMBIE NUMBERS can be obtained from Jan if you don’t have one. Zombie numbers are good for life. Or, send your 3-digit telephone area code if you wish. We’re pretty close to hitting 1,000 Zombie numbers assigned (like 35-40 to go). 

ZOMBIE BADGE: It was reported by several that the Zombie badge link wasn’t working on the above Zombie page. I have repaired the link for those who wish to print out their own Zombie/Area 51 badge. 

MAYA KINGS: We have 13 Maya Kings willing to serve you this year fairly evenly scattered across the empire. Plenty of chances to work some bonus points.
For their name, they will be sending MAYA KING, MAYA, KING, or even KING JOE or KING RON (or whatever their name is) as they decide. We even have a special KING ELVIS. Each Maya King worked is worth an additional 666 points. 

I’m sure between sending CQ BOO and KING ELVIS, we’ll drive the QRO folks nuts trying to figure this thing out! 

Whether you get on for 2-3 QSOs, or work several hours, you’ll have fun. And, thanks for participating. After all, the end of the world only comes along every so often. I think the last one was Y2K.

I was listening to Coast to Coast AM radio show this weekend, and one doomsday believer claimed that “every major observatory is tracking the collision course of planet Nibiru with Earth on Dec. 21 – and all observatory employees have been sworn to secrecy.” At the VLA (merely the world’s largest radio telescope), I must have missed that inter-office email! With the internet, Twitter, and Facebook, how on Earth could you keep something like that secret these days?

However, I do feel there’s a chance of a minor earthquake or a volcano might blow its top. Not because the Mayan Calendar says so … but just to prove God has a sense of humor. He can’t wait to drive those doomsdayers nuts! 🙂 

72, Paul NA5N 

OK, so you may have noticed Paul mentioning that you get extra bonus points for working a Maya King.  I happen to be one of those 13 QRP Ops who have volunteered. Just sayin’ ………… you might be able to rack up some extra points for working Maya King W2LJ – so listen for me!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

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