It’s the little things that make life worthwhile
In the day to day, sometimes it's easy to forget the little things that make life worthwhile.
1) Like that yesterday was my daughter Cara's 13th birthday - she's officially a teenager now!
3) That while I was eating my chicken corn chowder in my Jeep, I managed to work DL4ISX in Germany (with some difficulty due to QSB) and HF37SONDA in Poland (who was super loud).
4) That I came home to a packet of QSL cards from the Bureau, including:
Yeah, it's the little things in life that are the absolute best!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
Larry Makoski, W2LJ, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Jersey, USA. Contact him at [email protected].1) Like that yesterday was my daughter Cara's 13th birthday - she's officially a teenager now!
Did I mention she DETESTS having her picture taken and that she was ready to kill me when I snapped this one at Lake George this Summer?
2) Like that today they served chicken corn chowder in the cafeteria at work today - one of my all time favorite soups.
3) That while I was eating my chicken corn chowder in my Jeep, I managed to work DL4ISX in Germany (with some difficulty due to QSB) and HF37SONDA in Poland (who was super loud).
4) That I came home to a packet of QSL cards from the Bureau, including:
Yeah, it's the little things in life that are the absolute best!
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!
Larry: Right on the money,the simple things are the most satisfying and powerful in our lives. I have been away from the Ham community since 1995 and have just regained that camraderie in the last few months that I remember from many years ago on the air.Tell Cara,a belated Happy Birthday!