Jamboree on The Air – 2017
One of the mantras of us old hams is; where are the youth? Many club meetings are consumed with the question of how do we connect with youth and get them exposed to Amateur Radio? One very simple way to get involved is to participate in the Worldwide Scouting event Jamboree on the Air (JOTA). This is the 60th Anniversary of the event. Over 1 million scouts around the world participate. There are numerous ways to participate either hosting a station or getting on the air to talk with the scouts. Check out www.K2BSA.net/jota for information on the event. The dates are October 20 -22, 2017.
Another source of information is the recent Episode of HamRadioNow which is a round-table of Scout leaders on the benefits and some methodology of JOTA. I was honored to be asked to participate. I think you will find the show to be informative with regard to JOTA.
Here is the link:
Participate if you can.
Mike Crownover, AD5A, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Texas, USA. Contact him at [email protected].Another source of information is the recent Episode of HamRadioNow which is a round-table of Scout leaders on the benefits and some methodology of JOTA. I was honored to be asked to participate. I think you will find the show to be informative with regard to JOTA.
Here is the link:
Participate if you can.
I’m going to be doing this for local scouts for the first time. And I have a couple questions. First, you mentioned in the podcast that people have written example scripts, such as asking favorite color, etc. Where can I find one? Also, it seems that we’re encouraged to use a club callsign or request a temporary 1×1. Can we just do it using the callsigns of each ham that will be assisting a scout?
I suggest that you use the Radio Scouting Quick Reference card posted at this link https://www.k2bsa.net/radio-scouting-quick-reference-card/
During Jamboree on the Air you can use whatever call sign you have.
Hope that helps. Have fun.
Jim, K5ND