JT65 is the winner
Update: I jumped to conclusions too fast, I am afraid. Not all digi software supported PSK Reporter said G4EST and he is right of course. Maybe it shows only a trend. On 10 meter yesterday the JT65 bandwidth was crowded. About 12 stations were QRV, and only 3 PSK63 and 1 PSK31 station. BX2ABT reports: No reports doesn't mean no activity . He is daily active with Olivia on 20 meter. I will look for him. ;-)
Another great repoter site is Hamspots. (Sorry I forgot) I checked digi mode activity for the last 2 minutes at 10 h UTC. JT65: 70 stations; PSK31: 21 stations; JT9: 8 stations; and RTTY; 1 station. I heard Olivia on 14.106 QSO G0MGM with EI9FV. I heard Hell sometimes last week. And agian I see a certain trend. JT65 is really the most used digi mode at the moment and PSK31 is a good for a second place.
No reports doesn’t mean no activity. There is daily activity in Olivia on 14106 (1500 Hz shift, 32/1000) but if nobody reports it……. Please check http://hamspots.net/olivia/ or http://hamspots.net/fh/, then you’ll see a different story.
I think you should bear in mind that the feed into PSK Reporter may not be available on many digital software offerings and as such QSOs will not be reported. I often compare modes on bands visually using HRD and see that PSK31 is still (seemingly) much higher than the value in the graph as compared with other modes. I do however commend Joe for his JT65 and especially the JT9 mode as I managed to drag in some DXCC hits recently. The problem I find with JT65 is simple, the busier it gets the more crowded the regulation frequency band is. I am not one to trespass on other mode’s ranges despite them being made unusable in PSK and RTTY contests when the contesters use whatever they want and ruin my weekend DX hunting.