KB1HQS Arrow Antenna Mods

Stuart/KB1HQS has been experimenting with various modifications of the Arrow II antennas. Recently, he put together a video of the various mods, well done and interesting:

Ultimate Arrow Antenna Modifications

I am a big fan of the Arrow II style antennas for VHF SOTA. Initially, I used the dualband 2m/70cm antenna for satellite work as well as mountaintop activity. This started before SOTA was even a thing, as I hiked in the Colorado mountains and made radio contacts just for fun. These days, we normally carry the 2m-only version of the antenna, with split boom and 3 elements. My personal seamstress (Joyce/K0JJW) worked up a really nice rollup case for it. Sometimes, we’ll take along a separate 5-element 70 cm Yagi, which can remain fully-assembled and strapped onto my pack.

K0NR operating 2m FM from a summit using the Arrow II 3-element Yagi antenna.

All antennas are a compromise between cost, size, weight, performance, convenience and durability. I have found that the 3-element Yagi from Arrow fits my needs really well. I have not been motivated to modify it. The Arrow antenna has a gain of about 6 dBd and is 37.5 inches long. We handhold the antenna and that is about as big/long as I’d like to hold. I am still in search of a higher-gain antenna for those special situations when I know that a few more dB of gain could make a difference. I’ve not really found anything I like. A longer boom would likely require a mast and, therefore, a guy system, which adds more weight and complexity.

Antennas are a never-ending source of options and experimentation, so go out and try something new.

73 Bob K0NR

The post KB1HQS Arrow Antenna Mods appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site.

Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Colorado, USA. Contact him at bob@k0nr.com.

2 Responses to “KB1HQS Arrow Antenna Mods”

  • JA2NKD:

    Let’s enjoy homebrew.

  • Barry, VE7VIE:

    I am very happy with my Arrow 2 as it is. I’ve used it for all my mountaintopping for over 10 years and now off my balcony. I only use it for 2m, and all three elements store inside the boom sections. I don’t find the length or weight to be an issue (I backpack and bikepack), but I do like the idea of those ‘lightening’ holes drilled in your boom. I see no reason not to do that with my stock Arrow boom if I want to shave ounces. I may do that.

    On FD ’21 I couldn’t use my KX3 and had only my Kenwood Th-f6, and the Arrow mounted horizontally on the mast (for SSB with the KX3). I immediately worked a guy on Mt. Baker, and a couple on Mt. Olympus, from Nanaimo, BC. That’s about 100 miles each. I was satisfied until I realized that my Arrow should have been vertical for FM! I’ve worked much further with it, but not on FM.

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